Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: It's on the Special Features disc. With "Season 7 Preview" selected, press up on the remote. There should be a small "24" that appears. Press that, and you'll get the scene of Jack and Chloe on "The Simpsons."

Cubs Fan

Question: Gandalf explains in this movie how he survives fighting that fire creature from the 1st movie. But I am confused here. They show in flashbacks him and the fire creature falling down the crevice and landing in a pool of water. Next scene they are on the top of the mountain fighting in snow. How did they get from the pool of water to the mountain of snow?


Chosen answer: It was a long fight lasting many days, after they fell, the Balrog climbed all the way to the peaks of the mountains, and Gandalf followed it.


Question: What is the name of the rap song played when Rodney asks the red robot about Big Weld industries?

Answer: "Right Thurr" by Chingy.


Question: Plot Spoiler: If Verbal is Keyser Soze, then why does he throw a fit when the policeman storms back into the interrogation room and says "Who is Keyser Soze?"

Answer: Simple answer, its all part of the con. Verbal's back story shows that Keyser Soze is a dangerous man to deal with and the police wanting information about a man who should never be crossed is the last thing he wants to start discussing.


Question: Does Legolas marry after the battle ends, and where were his kin throughout the battle? Does Gimli marry, and where were the other Dwarfs?

Answer: Sauron's assault on Middle-Earth took place on many fronts; it wasn't limited to the assault on Minas Tirith. The elven kingdom of Lorien came under attack, as did the dwarven realm of Erebor; the elves and dwarves were busy fighting their own battles. Tolkien never mentions whether Gimli or Legolas later marry, although both settled with their kin after the fall of Sauron, Legolas in Ithilien and Gimli in the Glittering Caves of Helm's Deep, so both had the opportunity to have done so before sailing into the West together after Aragorn's death in the year 120 of the Fourth Age.


Question: Why was Bloody Mary's singing voice dubbed, given that Juanita Hall was a strong singer who had performed the role on Broadway?

Answer: Richard Rogers preferred the vocal performance of Muriel Smith who played the part in London. Since the vocal tracks for musicals was recorded separately from the filming back then, dubbing occurred for many reasons other than lack of singing ability of an actor, scheduling problems, budget, etc.


Answer: Richard Rodgers was just being Richard Rodgers. He allowed her to sing in 'Flower drum Song' on stage the following year, 1958/9, and allowed her to use her own voice in the film of 'Flower Drum Song' in 1961. He had his own demons then and was just reacting.

Question: What is it that Malfoy calls Ron in the scene near the shrieking shack?

Answer: He calls him Weaselby (a pun on Ron's last name Weasley and a weasel).


Question: Did anyone play him- or herself in this movie? That seems to be typical for many movies of this kind, but I'm not aware of anyone doing it in Apollo 13 (yes, I know Jim Lovell had a cameo at the end).

Answer: Other than a few individuals who appears in archive footage taken from the era, who could technically be said to be playing themselves, no, there's nobody. Too much time has really passed since the original events for anybody to be convincing as their younger selves.


Answer: Marilyn Lovell also played herself. She is in the viewing stands clapping.

Marilyn Lovell doesn't play herself, she just has a cameo (the same as Jim Lovell) where she plays on onlooker at the site.


Question: Could the police in the film legally pursue Ted Danson's son (Macauley Culkin) the way they did? Merely possibly knowing about a crime doesn't seem like grounds for arrest.

Answer: I think they can. Using a measure called preventive detention, law enforcement agents can prevent a crime before it happens.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Oh far more than that! He could face charges as an accessory to the crime, and or blackmail.


Chosen answer: Half sisters (or brothers) share either a mother or a father, but not both. Step sisters mean there is no blood relationship at all and one's mother and the other's father got married to each other.


Question: In the scene in the forge where Will and Jack are fighting, Jack asks "Do you think this wise, boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?" Then Will says "You threatened Miss Swann" I never got this, Jack says something after this, I have watched that three second bit over and over and I still don't know what he says, can anyone straighten this out for me?

Answer: He says "Only a little".


Question: What type of personality disorder does Mr. Brook have, is compulsive killing part of it, and is it really genetic?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It sounds like Dissociative Identity Disorder. And I think compulsive killing is something he chooses to do, and not connected to his DID; and from skimming the article, it doesn't appear to be genetic.

Cubs Fan

Answer: "Kike" is an ethnic slur that refers to Jews. To elaborate, when illiterate Jewish immigrants would be asked to sign their names on Ellis Island, they would simply put a circle on the signature line. The Yiddish word for "circle" is "kikel."


Question: There is a scene where Canton says he believes the creatures were a strange offshoot of the ARCHAEA OTTOIA family. He then describes how big they get based on how deep down they are as well as what they do to their victims. Question is does the Archaea Ottoia really exist? If so is anything Canton said about it true? I tried looking for this creature in the search engine but with no luck.


Chosen answer: According to the DVD commentary, the monsters in the film are a combination of 3 different undersea creatures. All of them are microscopic.

Grumpy Scot

Question: This applies more to the book: Buckbeak's appeal is set for two in the afternoon, and his execution at sundown. If the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures is so certain of Buckbeak's guilt, why (besides the gaping plot hole) do they wait so long between appeal and execution?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: The gap is to get all the formalities done. There was probably lots of paperwork to be done.


Show generally

Question: Does anyone remember an episode where JD is wearing a T-shirt that simply says "meh" on it? I saw someone on the TV somewhere (Film or TV show) wear it and I can't remember who. Most likely Scrubs. Please help, thanks.

Answer: Not aware of this shirt being in a Scrubs episode, but it is worn by Roy in a second season episode of The IT Crowd.


Answer: It's unclear whether he knows or not. What IS clear is that he knows Norman was the Green Goblin.

Question: What are the physical dimensions, if any, of all the enemy ship types? Is there any biological information like height, weight of the enemy beings? I am looking at using this enemy in a fanfic of another show.

Answer: Try This site is devoted to size comparisons of ships and aliens from different shows and movies.

Grumpy Scot

The Socratic Method - S1-E6

Question: In "The Socratic Method," Lucy Palmero (the patient with supposed schizophrenia) has a book that is read to her throughout the episode - the quote most often used is "I will talk no more of the long war" or something similar to that. What book is this from? I tried to spot the title when watching the episode, but I couldn't get it.

Answer: The line, "I will talk no more of books or the long war" comes from a poem called "Her Praise" by WB Yeats, so the book could be one of many collections of poetry or Yeats' poems. You can read the poem here if you'd like:

Chosen answer: This was, "The One After the Superbowl," a two-part episode. Brooke Shields guest starred as Erika Ford, a crazed fan of Joey's character on "Days of our Lives." She stalked him, believing Joey really was the doctor he played on the show.


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