Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why is this movie called "Airport"? It is not really a sequel to the original Airport, as Patroni is the only character in both films. Further, the original Airport focused on airport operations. It gave us glimpses of various airport professionals and how they respond to challenges and controversies. That was its appeal. But beyond showing the mobile lounge at Dulles, and it doesn't even introduce us to the pilot, Airport 75 has nothing to do with any airport.

Answer: It's all about branding and marketing. The first Airport film was hugely successful, prompting a sequel. Reusing "Airport" in the title has built-in name recognition that people would immediately associate with the previous film, which helps sell tickets. The movie is part of what became a movie series (four in all) under the collective "Airport" name.


Question: How is it possible Comrade Phlemenkoff never suspected Anya might have been Anastasia the whole time she was at the orphanage? She obviously would've known that the Tsar and his family were killed with the exception of Anastasia, and young Anastasia just happened to be brought to the orphanage around the same time she disappeared and that she's wearing a necklace that looks like its made of gold and jewels. These would have all been major clues that she was the missing princess.

Answer: This was during the Russian Revolution. Millions of people were killed in the resulting violent turmoil, resulting in tens of thousands of children who lost or were separated from their parents. There was no reason to suspect that "Anya" was anyone important and this was a rural orphanage where mainstream news could be spotty. The necklace was likely considered costume jewelry.


Show generally

Question: Is it true the cast hated Marcel the monkey that much? Would he have had more of a storyline if they didn't? Same goes for the character of Julie?

Answer: It was mostly David Schwimmer (Ross) who had issues with Marcel the monkey. He became frustrated working with an animal that often missed its mark, didn't behave properly in scenes, etc. resulting in constant retakes. As Ross was Marcel's owner, Schwimmer had the most interactions with the animal. Regarding Julie, there's no indication that any cast member had issues with Lauren Tom, the actress who played her. She was an extended guest star only intended to appear for a few episodes. Her character was simply a "complication" to Ross and Rachel finally getting together. There was no reason for Julie to remain on the show any longer.


Question: Higgins presumably knows about the ball's high standards of dress for men and women. Why then is he the only man there who is not wearing white gloves (which are routine for such occasions)?

Answer: Higgins is eccentric and a bit anti-social. He does not always follow social norms and protocol. He somewhat enjoys upsetting his snobbish peers, as well as his mother. He's also highly focused in the moment on passing off Eliza as a high-society lady.


Show generally

Question: Is it just me or is it a little out of character for Monica to not ask people to take off their shoes before coming into her apartment?

Answer: Sure. However, with the script calling for people to be constantly entering and leaving the apartment, that would slow down the pacing way too much.

Brian Katcher

Answer: I agree with Brian Katcher's answer. Also, despite Monica, maybe she is not in the practice of asking guests to remove their shoes. I am in my mid-thirties, and I've only been to one home where I was asked to remove mine.

Question: Why does the bartender tell Doc "you know what happened last 4 of July" when he offered him a shot of whiskey if he's only been there 1 week?

Answer: In the letter Marty gets, Doc says he's been living in 1885 for the past 8 months. It's dated September 1. Marty in 1955 finds out that Doc dies one week after he wrote the letter (Sept 7th), not one week after he got to 1885. Marty then goes to Sept 2, 1855, one day after Doc wrote the letter.


Answer: Marty's only been there a week. Doc has been there for months.

Brian Katcher

Worlds Finest - S1-E18

Question: Why would Barry need Kara's help in gaining extra speed to return to his own dimension considering that the device he had on was capable of doing that?

Answer: It was an experimental device and was not meant to propel him into another world, it happened by accident. He need an extra boost of speed to get him back home.

Question: If the government/military went through so much trouble keeping the aliens' visit at Devil's Tower a secret (the supposed nerve gas spill), then how would they expect all the "returnees" to stay quiet about their experience (some had been gone for decades)?

Answer: First, the returnees would have been detained and interrogated about what happened to them. Second, the government would threaten to throw them into a C.I.A. black site if they talked. Third, most would realise if they did talk, it would cause worldwide panic.

Question: When Alex went back in time why didn't we see his machine when 1899 Alex and Philby were talking in the lab?

Answer: He was only focused on saving his fiancée, he didn't think of anything else. If he did he would have thought about it.

Question: According to Captain Panaka and Qui-Gon, if the Hutts discover Queen Amidala on Tattooine, it will be just like landing on a planet controlled by the Federation. Why would they care about her? What would they do?

Answer: They would likely take her hostage and hold her for ransom.


So the Federation was probably offering a bounty/reward for her capture?

Possibly, but given the criminal nature of the Hutts to begin with, it would be in line for them to try to capture her if they became aware of her presence and ransom her off to the highest bidder, be it the Trade Federation, her home planet of Naboo, or the Galactic Senate.


Question: When Barbara and Adam change their faces and are ready to go scare everyone, Barbara confesses to Adam that she doesn't want to go through with it. She says that she wants to be with Lydia. Why does she suddenly become infatuated with wanting to be with this girl whom she hardly even knows? It would make more sense if they both grew to love the whole family instead of just Lydia alone. Thus, her sudden change of heart seems kind of strange.

Answer: Lydia is a child, and Barbara and Adam both wanted to have children. Barbara's mother instincts just suddenly kicked in.


Answer: I agree with the answer by Lionhead, and I would like to add: Lydia has already spoken to the ghosts more than her parents have. She has been more understanding and tolerant. To me, it makes perfect sense that Barbara has already connected with Lydia more than Lydia's parents.

Question: The first time Daniel goes to his brother Frank's place to get made up into Mrs. Doubtfire he asks "Can you make me a woman?" to which Frank excitedly says "Oh honey, I'm so happy!" What did he mean by that? I feel like there's a joke here I'm just not understanding.

Answer: Frank thinks his brother is coming out as transgender and is enthusiastically supportive.

Brian Katcher

Question: What is the song playing during the Liu Kang vs. Jade fight? It was the same song played during the sword fight in The Animatrix's Last Flight of the Osiris. Does anyone know the title and/or artist?

Answer: "Conga Fury" by Juno Reactor.

Jon Sandys

Question: Would the rupturing of one underground cable be enough to cut all the power to the city that never sleeps?

Answer: Of course not. That was a little over the top, even for an over the top movie like this.

Brian Katcher

Question: How did Charles Nichols borrow Richard's car in the first place? Didn't Richard have his keys with him?

Answer: Near the start, the detectives escort Richard to the police car. Then it cuts to flashbacks of the fund-raiser at the Four Seasons Hotel (Charles Nichols had already borrowed Richard Kimble's car earlier, offscreen). At timecode 00:04:20, Charles thanks Richard for loaning him the car earlier, then he hands Richard the parking garage valet ticket, and Charles tells Richard that Richard's keys are downstairs (with valet parking attendants). So at this point within the flashback, Charles had already used Richard's keys to also unlock Richard's home, enabling Sykes to enter and wait for Kimble, who was the intended target. When Richard and Helen leave the fund-raiser, they retrieve Richard's keys from valet parking, then drive home.

Super Grover

Question: What time period is the dress Fatso is wearing from? (00:47:28)

Answer: 1995.

That's when the movie was released. I'm wondering what time the dress is from.

Answer: Because she wanted to protect herself from trouble. She had no qualms about betraying Tracy in order to protect herself. I believe that Evie "uses" friends. She drifts from one current best friend to another. Eventually her best friends, and their families, stop tolerating her behavior. At this point, she knew that Tracy and Tracy's mother were "done" with her. She was prepared to betray Tracy, then move on to her next best friend.

Question: What song were Mitch, Phil and Glen humming before Duke to told them to stop?

Answer: "The Godfather Waltz", the main title theme to the Godfather film. It's a reference from early where Glen is a fan of the film.


Answer: A contract dispute. Glover wanted more money, especially for two movies, but producers thought why pay more for what were essentially cameos.

Question: Why did Rae initially want nothing to do with her brother, Mal?

Answer: First, he left her and their father, to run the farm on their own. Then McKendrick was hounding and bullying them to sell their land. She had enough and wanted to enjoy life, not suffer for it.

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