Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Whose baby is it? The therapist is pregnant. We know she lies at times. I choose to believe it belongs to Bill, evidenced by deep love and mourning showing in the therapist's face at the funeral.


Answer: It isn't definitively answered but it is heavily implied the father of the baby is Billy.


Answer: She says "and I thought I was the liar".

Answer: Matt Damon was shown to be impotent, so the assumptions is that its Leonardo's.

He isn't. He's shown to have a single instance of what can be assumed to be erectile dysfunction.

Answer: It's reasonable to assume it was Colin's.

Answer: I think this was left purposefully ambiguous so as to allow the viewer to draw their own conclusions. Is it Billy's? - and therefore Madelyn will be forced to raise a baby on her own and explain the death of its father? Or is it Colin's? - and therefore Madelyn will be forced to raise a baby alongside him, knowing what kind of man its father is. I interpreted the scene as the baby being Colin's. Furthermore, it is not implied that Colin is impotent, only that he has performance issues every once and a while (this could be due to the immense stress and pressure he is under living in constant fear of being made as Costello's rat).

Question: On the Air China Boeing 747 plane, Dre hesitantly mumbles something in Mandarin. What is Dre saying before the Asian businessman on the same plane across the row is insulted and replies "Dude, I'm from Detroit"?

Answer: "Nihaw, mao"

The Rings of Akhaten - S7-E9

Question: In Season 7 Episode 10 (and others) it's said that the TARDIS has a sort of "universal translator", even after the TARDIS leaves the submarine, they can understand and speak Russian. How come in this episode, they can't understand the aliens, for the most part, as they come out as a bunch of grunts, even though the TARDIS is in the area?

Leah Novak

Chosen answer: The only one that grunts is Dor'een, the alien trying to sell the moped. The reason for this could be the same reason why the TARDIS does not translate baby, horse or tree, to the others. A plot device just to show off the Doctor's intelligence.


Answer: The TARDIS is shown to dislike Clara, and could very likely be giving her issues with the translation for that reason. Also, because it's funny to see the Doctor barking like a dog.

Question: If Venom knew everything Peter knew while he wore the black suit (symbiote), why didn't he try to recruit Harry (The New Goblin) into him and Sandman's alliance against Spider-Man? He obviously knew Harry did not like Peter based on their second fight which consisted of Peter wearing the black suit.

Answer: Well, Peter did sort-of hurl a grenade into Harry's face, which puts him at a disadvantage. Why recruit someone whose already been badly injured and thus possibly more a liability than a help? Plus, it's likely that Venom saw Harry (who is still a person, albeit enhanced) as being less of a benefit than Sandman or too much of a wildcard given his past with Peter.

Question: Questions about Sandman's theme: Does anybody know its background? Also where is a good place to look for similar ones? It sounds like a combination of the theme for Dell Frye's creature and Godzilla 1998's theme.

Answer: The theme was composed by Christopher Young, who took over from Danny Elfman to compose the score for the film. As for looking for similar tracks, I'd recommend checking sites like Amazon and Spotify and looking for motion picture scores (not soundtracks, scores) for moves like this and other superhero films or films with monsters. There's really nowhere to look for tracks specifically like this, but I'd say just look around and start listening to film scores. There's a lot of really great ones out there.

Answer: Because it's not involved in the plot. Harry doesn't seem actively involved in Oscorp anymore, so there's no reason for it to be brought up.

Question: Why was only the Freelings' house sucked into the vortex? Since it was discovered that the developer only moved the headstones but left the bodies, shouldn't other houses that were also built over the cemetery have also been dragged in?

Answer: It seems that the majority of the activity was focusing in on the Freeling house exclusively. It's not fully explained why they were the only house affected, but there are a number of possibilities. Possibly because it's where the highest concentration of spirits were at unrest. Possibly because it could be inferred that the Freelings moved in first given Steven was involved with the company that built the community, and thus they became the first targets. And possibly because they were trying to get to Carol-Anne since she was an easy target.

Also, it is mentioned in the movie that Carol Anne was actually born in the house. That likely caused everything to focus on her.

It was not meant that Carol Anne was literally born inside the house, just while the family was living there. It was just a casual colloquial expression Steven's boss made.


Answer: A poltergeist haunts a person rather than a place. Though building the neighborhood over their graves is what initially disturbed the ghosts, they are fixated on Carol Anne.


Question: During the conversation between Magneto and John on the X-Jet, why did Magneto refer to "The X-Men" as the real bad guys? Didn't he try to kill Rogue in the previous movie?

Answer: Because the X-Men are his enemies. Magneto does not see himself as the bad guy.


Since Magneto and Xavier were formerly best friends, and he knows that Xavier formed the X-Men, he doesn't really consider them to be "the real bad guys" they are just obstacles in his way. He will always consider humanity to be "the real bad guys" and in the context of the film, his helmet is the only thing that would protect him from Stryker's corrupted version of Cerebro.

Question: Has the director ever commented on how Mark was supposed to find the combination to the safe with so many numbers on the walls? Are there any theories in general on how to solve it?

Answer: It was pure trial and error - he had to try.


Answer: I believe the light from the candle would illuminated the hidden numbers needed on the walls The fact that there was broken glass on the floor and flammible substances on his body didn't help much though.

What hidden numbers? All the numbers are in plain sight.


Answer: He simply has to try and find the right numbers amongst the plethora of false numbers on the walls in a short period of time. Trial and error. Try to find the right combo of numbers from his options. Not sure where the other answer got the "hidden numbers" idea from, as absolutely nothing in the film suggests there are hidden numbers.

Question: What did he see in the picture book which made him suspicious?

Answer: Meryl's fingers were crossed in their wedding picture, which made him think she was hiding something or that it was fake somehow. Later when he sees her, he says "I'll cross my fingers for ya" indicating he realises something is up.


Answer: In addition to what Bishop73 responded, he also notices other oddities. For example, the "Mount Rushmore" they allegedly took a vacation to was, in retrospect, pretty miniature.

Michael Albert

I don't think he suspected much from the mount Rushmore miniature, he probably doesn't really know any landmarks that well. You see him wonder for a moment but that was only what spurred him to look closer at his wedding picture.


Answer: We don't hear him say anything (the audience has become like Stewie with his ears covered). Quagmire is probably giving details of his sexual encounter with the hot, homeless twins, so it's up to the individual watching to determine what they did from him acting it out.


Season 1 generally

Question: Throughout the first season, Sylar has been shown to survive a number of deadly situations, from being shot at in "One Giant Leap" and "Distractions" to falling from a great height in "Homecoming." My question is, how could he survive all of these incidences when he hadn't yet absorbed Claire's ability of regeneration?


Chosen answer: Telekinesis. Stop or deflect the bullets, slow his fall so that he'll survive. Very useful power.


Both times he was shot, he didn't know it was coming so he couldn't have used telekinesis to stop the bullets.

Question: What was the point of the ending? What message was it trying to send? We have a whole movie sending an anti-racist message, but then a black guy kills Danny for blowing smoke in his face. I'm sure this wasn't the movie's intention, but it kinda seems like we're supposed to believe Derek was originally right and shouldn't have changed.


Chosen answer: No, the message is absolutely not that Derek was originally right. The last part just shows there is evil on both sides and not only the neo-nazis need change. Danny changed, but too late to be saved from being murdered for racist reasons. Its a classic Shakespearean tragedy.


Answer: In the original unaired ending of the movie, it shows Derek staring in the mirror at his home. He takes his shirt off exposing his swastika, then you see hair falling into the sink as he shaves his head.

Anywhere to find that alternate ending?


Chosen answer: He is more like a "secret" antagonist. The mystery of who is behind the events in this movie cannot be revealed by the poster.


But he's the main antagonist of the movie.


But that's only revealed at the end of it.


Answer: Plus, he's played by an great actor.


It's what's known as a "reveal." Yes, he's played by a famous actor, and yes he's the main antagonist. But the audience isn't meant to know that until later in the film. It's supposed to come as a surprise. If he was on the posters (like Darth Vader was for the original films), audiences would go in expecting him to be the main villain, and wouldn't be surprised at the reveal.

Are you saying that if he's on the poster, the audience will judge that he's the main villain of the movie?


The problem is he is only in the end of the movie. If he was on the poster people will expect him sooner and be disappointed.

Well he is not in the end of the movie. He is just in the middle, though. But why do you say disappointed? I am quite disappointed at first that the main antagonist is not even on the poster.


I am sorry for my mistake saying "He is not in the end of the movie". But what am I going to say is He appears in the middle, though.


Question: Who is Terry Benedict talking to when he goes down to the vault to inspect the scene? Is it Rusty? And how does he not notice the swat members carrying duffel bags stuffed with $150 million?


Answer: He is talking to Rusty. Even if Rusty didn't have his mask down, he hadn't seen Rusty before and therefore would not know to be suspicious of him. The SWAT team came down with their duffel bags fully packed and left with them fully packed.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Whenever Adam / Jeremy Melton is the killer and he kills one of the girls his nose starts to bleed, obviously from all the stress he has to go through to kill them. But whenever he's not the killer, why doesn't his nose bleed? Until at the very end when his nose starts bleeding on to Kate.


Answer: Plot hole? Or perhaps Adam's / Jeremy's nose was bleeding because he was about to snap Kate's neck. Or it was because he was so happy.

Alan Keddie

He killed Dorothy at the end that could be why his nose bleeds.

Answer: Paraphilia is a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities. He technically "got off" when killing people.

Question: Why did the Maids and Katie Nanna scream and look shocked when Mrs. Banks (while she was singing "Sister Suffragette") lift up her dress and show a bit of her legs?

Answer: Morals and how ladies were supposed to act during the turn of the 20th century were very Puritan back then and women were supposed to act proper and dress modestly, and that included not exposing body parts like ankles, legs, shoulders, and arms. The ladies were shocked that Mrs. Banks would act so wild and then have the audacity to expose her legs, which a proper lady would never do.


Question: Why did the pigs not attack Lecter when he picked up Clarice? They went straight for the fat guy handcuffed to his accomplice and also to Verger but by passed Lecter. I thought it might be a blood thing which is why Lecter picked Clarice up after she was shot but A - Lecter doesn't know anything about the pigs and B - Mason wasn't bleeding before he got eaten.


Answer: The implication is that the boars are afraid of Lecter, which is why they don't attack him - he shows no fear and exudes dominance.


Next to that the pigs are trained to attack anything that screams. Hannibal stayed calm and thus was ignored.


Didn't Verger describe the pigs (by mentioning their molars and incisors) to Lecter when he was first brought to Verger strapped to the dolly?

He also didn't scream or make noise to get their attention.

I'm inclined to agree here. The boars could sense that Lecter was the most savage predator in the pit, and the animals steered clear of him for that reason. Call it "professional courtesy."

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The implication is that savage animals recognize Lecter as another, even more savage animal. Call it kinship. Lecter has the same effect on attack dogs.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Probably the same reason the Alsatian dog of Krendler didn't attack him either.

Question: It was revealed that the person who Laurie thought she killed wasn't Michael but somebody who Michael had subdued and placed his clothes and mask on. Why would Laurie be sent to an institution for this? She wasn't aware of the fact that she killed the wrong person until the mask was removed, and since the staff seem to know about her connection to Michael, wouldn't they consider letting her go since she was only trying to stop Michael's rampage?

Answer: At first impression, Laurie was catatonic not only from the shock of killing an innocent man, but also from a lifetime of being chased down by her murderous brother. She obviously knows from past experiences that nothing she does (including faking her own death) will stop Michael from finding her. It is later revealed she has been faking her mental issues (think when she has been hiding her regular meds in the raggedy Ann doll) and is committed only to stopping Michael, no matter what the cost. She may have also been trying to protect her son and the only way to do that is to allow herself to be institutionalized in order to lure Michael there.

Answer: It's not properly explained (nothing in this stupid movie is), but the implication is that she went a little crazy due to the guilt of killing an innocent man and was institutionalized.

Question: At the end of the book, Harry's worst suspicions about Mr and Mrs Weasley had been confirmed, but what were those suspicions? Was it that they still thought that Sirius wasn't innocent?


Answer: While Uncle Vernon had been waiting for Harry to arrive, Vernon was "standing a good distance from Mr and Mrs Weasley," who were also waiting near the platform's barrier, and it's Vernon who was "eyeing them suspiciously." Vernon suspected that Molly and Arthur were of the dreaded Wizardkind, so when Molly hugged Harry on the platform, Vernon's "worst suspicions about them seemed confirmed" so he knew he was right. And we all know how Vernon hates the wizarding world.

Super Grover

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