Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did Mort/Shooter kill Chico the dog? I don't think he wanted to upset Amy, because she never finds out that Chico is dead. She calls his name when she takes the divorce papers to the lake house, where Mort/Shooter kills her.

Answer: "Shooter" (actually Mort), killed the dog as a threat and a warning to Mort, implying this will happen to him if he doesn't cooperate. Mort, as himself, has no recollection of doing this and believed "Shooter" was threatening his life. Mort then reports it to the sheriff, which only fed into his delusion that Shooter was real and shows he's losing his grip on reality. It wasn't about Amy.


Question: Why didn't anyone else hear the guy shouting for Carter? Others were mere meters away from Carter. Was everyone deaf?

Answer: His yells were already faint where Carter was sitting. The others were sitting together and talking and minding their own business, so they were not listening for him.


Question: After John asks Muldoon to take one of the Jeeps to bring back his grandchildren, Ellie says she's going with him. They didn't at that point know the T-Rex had escaped, so why does Ellie insist on going with him? Considering the Jeep has four seats and there's five people spread across the two tour cars, how did Ellie expect to squeeze everybody in?

Answer: He was sent to bring back the grandchildren, not everyone. If anyone else wanted to leave they could be picked up later when Muldoon was finished bringing the children to safety. Hammond was just concerned about them and wanted them to be with him. Ellie went with him to be with Grant, to make sure he is safe as well. So she would stay with him anyway.


Question: What happened to the man who shot himself at the beginning of the movie? Was his body devoured by titular anaconda?

Answer: The reason he shot himself was because he was being chased by the anaconda. Since the anaconda doesn't care if its prey is alive or dead, yes, he was devoured.


Question: Han says, "Crazy thing is, it's all true. The Force, the Jedi, all of it." Why does he consider this a "crazy" thing? He met Luke and Leia only nineteen years after the Jedi were killed, and he is about ten years older than them. The Jedi were still around during his childhood. And anyone older than him could still be talking about the Jedi, also. Why would he ever doubt that they were real?

Answer: I took his response to be more introspective. In A New Hope, Han heavily doubted the Force. This was likely just his own personal life experiences to that point. When he says that line to Rey/Finn, it's more of a "wouldn't ya know it?" kind of statement.


Question: After defeating Hook and flying back home, it shows Peter wearing his green garb. When he wakes up, why is he outside and wearing the clothes he wore the night he was taken to Neverland?

Answer: It's the magic of Neverland. Peter was dressed as a pirate when he remembered his happy thought and ascended in the tree-house but when he exited through the top, he was in his green garb. I guess the best explanation is that when he left Neverland, his green garb reverted to his original clothing he had on when his adventure began.

I always took it that when he remembered his happy thought, he became Peter Pan again and when the adventure was over, he went back to being Peter Banning.

Question: When Ginger lies to Stan about being an undercover agent, why does she say she's with the DEA of all things, as opposed to the FBI, NSA, or even ATF? Unless I'm misremembering, I don't think the movie makes any mention of Gabriel being involved in drug trafficking.


Chosen answer: Because the money they're stealing is the DEA's. Operation Swordfish was the DEA setting up dummy corporations to launder drug money. When the operation was ended, $400M was left and earned interest, making it worth billions.


Question: Just where did the militia get the money for all their weapons and gear? The only rogue who's got good money is The Penguin, and he doesn't seem capable of necessarily funding a whole army.


Answer: All the villains financed the Arkham Knight: Penguin, Two Face, Harley, Scarecrow. This is why Two-Face and Penguin stayed in Gotham and risked getting gassed to rob banks and run guns; they'd dangerously low on funds.

Answer: The Arkham Knight is behind the whole thing. He probably financed it somehow. Given who he turns out to be, probably from stolen drug money.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: How was that trap that Arnold set up in the trench supposed to work? I don't think that the log falling onto the victim was part of it; Arnold improvised that when the Predator wised up and decided to go around it.

Answer: The net on the floor of the trap was tied to the log, which was used as a counterweight. When the tripwire is triggered, the log will fall pulling the net up into the spikes rigged on the ceiling. The predator actually bumped his head on the spike which gave away the trap but when he went around he stood in the exact spot the log would fall. Dutch then tripped the wire himself to drop the log.


Question: Right after Megamind vanquishes Metro Man why are the police so quick to surrender? There's a whole army of them, and they all have guns, and they don't even try to put up a fight?

Answer: Because they feared what Megamind could do to them if he could take out the most powerful superhero ever. Kind of like how people submit mistakes for movies like The Hulk and say "why would the army keep shooting at him when they know their bullets aren't working?"


Answer: When Kyle looked in the telephone book for her address, it was 309. The Terminator also found Sarah J. Connor listed as 309 Calder. When she comes out of her apartment, 225 is on the door.


Question: Who did the demonic voice that told the priest blessing the house to get out?

Answer: George Lutz.

How was it accomplished?

Robert Moves Back - S3-E25

Question: Robert and Amy are in Ray and Debra's basement listening to some rock music with a great guitar solo and Ray comes in to get something from his office. Anyone know the name of the song or the artist?

Yvonne Smits

Answer: War.

By whom?

Edwin Starr.

Answer: Gaara contains a lot more chakra than Naruto expected, besides Gaara is extremely strong.

Question: I remember seeing an extra scene where they discovered that the Klingon sniper was in fact a human, since he didn't have Klingon blood. Was this only for TV release, because that's the only place that I saw it?

Answer: In the original theatrical release, the character Colonel West, played by Rene Auberjonois (who played Odo in DS9), never appeared as his scenes were cut. The home release special edition version included these scenes, including where he is disguised as a Klingon in the assassination attempt.


Answer: That scene was included in all the VHS and DVD releases of the film up until 2009 when the Blu-ray (and possibly subsequent DVD reissues) stuck to the theatrical cut. It also might have been edited out of some TV airings due to the big pool of blood.


Question: How did Carmen know that their dad put a tracking device in their mouths?

Answer: She probably heard her parents talking about it.

Question: Does the trilogy stick to a coherent time-travel-logic or is it "mix-and-match"? While it purports to adhere to the "one universe, many detours" theory (which is why Jennifer is save in bad 1985), it also delivers proof for the multiverse theory, unless it's "explained away" such as: Doc was never killed. He already wore a vest (and brought a gun to the meeting with a teenager) because he was a bit paranoid. Since he never really died, there's no parallel timeline required for him to stay dead.

Answer: It's fairly consistent. Changes to the past affect the future, although the time travellers themselves are afforded a bit of convenient wriggle room, like time changing around them, changes not immediately taking effect, etc, so as ever some suspension of disbelief is needed. The timeline changes - originally Doc was killed, Marty went back, gave him a letter, Doc took precautions. That's not the multiverse, that's just the future being changed by actions in the past.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Why wouldn't they exist? This is a serious question (maybe I am missing something). In BttF, Marty was disappearing because his parents weren't going to get together for him to even exist. In BttF II, his parents got together (Biff says so - he calls George Marty's father) and he was born, so it is very consistent between both movies. So even with an erased timeline, Biff did not erase Marty and his siblings being born. As for the linear time or multi universal, I think the movie is consistent - only the time traveler remembers things that happened before the time traveling began.

Answer: It's completely mix-and-match IMHO. The movies constantly switch between linear and parallel timelines, either making changes affect the time traveller or not, depending on plot convenience. For example, in the first movie Marty is in danger of disappearing unless he gets his parents back together, and fixes it before undoing all he had done himself, which causes a paradox. But then, when he gets back, his parents and siblings are completely different, but Marty is the same person that supposed lived that new life, unreplaced. That simply doesn't make sense in a linear timeline. In the second movie it is even worse, with Marty and Doc still existing in a timeline erased by Old Biff with the sports almanac, for plot convenience.


Question: At the pool, a band takes song requests from a crowd. Mia requests a song titled "I Ran." It seems like Sebastian got offended by that. He even complains about it to Mia after the performance. I don't know about the song. What's wrong with that song? I'm curious.

Bunch Son

Answer: He was mainly deflecting. When they first met, Sebastian ran away from Mia. So when she requested "I Ran", she was teasing him. He was already playing in an 80's cover band, knew the song, and was playing a keytar, which is a very 80's synth pop instrument. The band A Flock of Seagulls (who sang "I Ran") were an 80's synth pop band. She was saying how rude he was when they first met and he was trying to come up with something to say she was being rude about.


Answer: Sebastian views himself as a "serious musician" whose real passion in life is playing jazz, and thinks that that form of music is dying out. He doesn't take joy in playing mainstream, well known 80s pop songs; they're not his preferred style and probably doesn't consider them to be "real music" (Kind of like how Martin Scorsese said Marvel movies weren't "real cinema").

Casual Person

Question: What was in the package that Ace was carrying at the very beginning of the movie when he deliberately breaks it?


Answer: We're never told. Nothing important since it was just a ruse to snatch the dog.

Brian Katcher

Question: When the three men decide to try to stop Sylvia from boarding the plane to London they go to the airport and are able to go through security right up to the gate to try to locate Sylvia and Mary. Was this actually possible for an international flight in 1987 when this movie was made? Could you go past airport security without a ticket and passport in 1987 for an international flight?

Blair Howden

Answer: Yes. Before 9-11-2001, non-passengers were allowed to go into airports and go to any of the gates. A lot of times, people would accompany friends or family members to their gate or be there for their arrival. And you wouldn't need a passport just to go to a gate with an international flight. In fact, one time I went to pick up a friend (pre cell phone days) and didn't see her come out and was afraid I missed her or didn't see her. So I asked one of the airline employees if she could check the manifest list to see if my friend was even on the flight, which she did to help me out. Things were much "simpler" back then.


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