Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Does anyone know the specific setting at the end where Jude Law dies. I know the general settings but would love to know this specific trail. It's beautiful and I'd love to hike it.


Answer: The movie is set in North Carolina and the Appalachian Mountains, but it was mostly filmed in Romania and the Carpathian Mountains, so the trail may be located there, making it harder to pinpoint. Cold Mountain and the surrounding Shining Rock Wilderness are part of Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina. I suggest checking for a Pisgah web site that might have info and also North Carolina's state website for tourist info. There may be a NC government office that markets the state to the movie industry that can help. However, I suspect the trail is probably in Romania. - P.S. Here's a link that might help:


Starstruck - S3-E15

Question: When Tootie goes inside Jermaine's dressing room why did the bodyguard roughly manhandle Tootie and why was her bust of Jermaine destroyed?

Answer: The guards had no idea if Tootie was a deranged fan or if she had a bomb in her package. This wasn't very long after John Lennon was shot, after all.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Tootie was among the fan club girls sent complimentary concert tickets and allowed backstage. She thought Jackson personally invited only her and barged into the dressing room, believing she was expected. Security took action, not knowing who she was. The paper-mache' bust was screened for safety, getting destroyed in the process.


Answer: The Bust was destroyed by the bodyguards, to them it's another piece of junk among the millions he receives from his "Number One Fan."

No, the guard said he'd been running it under the sink and 'nothing was going to explode now.' They were making sure it wasn't a bomb.

Brian Katcher

Question: When they're trying to escape the locker, Jack starts running on the deck of the ship whilst pretending to see something. Why didn't he just say "We need to roll the ship over, lets run from side to side to make it rock" instead of just leaving everybody guessing?

Answer: Well first of all it's comedy, but perhaps he felt like it was too hard to explain to some crew (who are not all that intelligent) so he just thinks up something that gets them to go along with it and get the desired result faster.


Answer: To be fair, Jack is already a very strange, eccentric person - doing something like that rather than just explaining it is something he would do just by virtue of his character. He's also gone a bit nuts being stuck in the locker, and is a little weirder than normal throughout the film. And I also agree with the other answer - doing that might just be an easy way to get the crew to go along with him.


Ka 'i'o - S10-E7

Question: McGarrett was operating alone in Mexico when Junior joined him, against McGarrett's instructions to wait for him to ask Junior to come. He also brought two other persons. Who were they and where did they come from?


Chosen answer: They are Junior's SEAL buddies.

Question: Was Holly already aware that the aliens existed prior to Nada (Piper) abducting her and when did she decide to join the aliens' quest?

Answer: Yes, she was one of them all along, she was playing dumb, even when she showed up at the underground meeting, a double agent.

Question: If John is so concerned about how the Terminator kill humans, why he didn't add "don't kill anyone" to its directives before sending it back in time?


Answer: Because only young John Connor is concerned about that, not the future John Connor that sent the terminator back. Future John Connor wants the terminator to do everything it can to protect his younger self.


Answer: Older John Connor lives in a universe where most of humanity is dead but the survivors are all united against Skynet. He likely knew that humans in the past might even side against the Terminator, so he did not reprogram it not to kill, as saving his past self is priority. The T-1000 was also a human infiltrator so the T-800 had to get ready to kill something that looked human. Also, according to side canon the T-800 was sent back immediately after the T-1000 was sent as Tech Com finally defeated Skynet, so there might not have been time to fully reprogram the T-800 beyond its mission.

Question: In the locker room before the fights begin, Gillon uses the phrase, "blind as Tidwell's goat." What is the reference here? I've looked online and can't find anything about it.


Answer: Maybe it's just a local reference known only to the local residents of Diggstown. Then again, I can't find any info on the town of Diggstown either.

Diggstown, GA is a fictional town.


Question: Who is the actress that plays the old lady that called herself the Good Witch of the North? Also, did she voice cartoons? I could swear her voice sounded very familiar.

Answer: Don't know if she did cartoon voices, but her name is Nora Meerbaum. She was in Airplane and St. Elmo's fire in the following years though so you may know her from those.

I thought the same thing. Maybe one of the Mrs Clauses in Christmas cartoons.

Shirley Booth voiced the Christmas favorites.

She looks and sounds like Shirley Booth, Mrs. Claus in The Year Without A Santa Claus (1974).

Answer: My guess is the 2-headed bird on the Bugs Bunny with the vampire. I believe the bird's name was Emily. She also resembles Clarabelle or Jennifer Morrison (one of the moonshine sisters) from the Andy Griffith Show episode "Alcohol and Old Lace."

Answer: She was Mother Nature in The Year Without a Santa Claus.

She was Mrs. Claus in the year without a Santa Claus... May have also been mother nature (I don't think so though) from the same show, but definitely was Mrs. Claus.

That's wrong. Shirley Booth voiced Mrs Claus.

Answer: Dorothy Stikney was the other sister.

Answer: He knew he was fated to meet him. You can't change destiny.

But if Clyde never opened the door, Havez would have lived.

Show generally

Question: How exactly does Monk afford to pay Natalie? Would he still get a pension after being discharged for psychiatric reasons? Is it ever mentioned (in-universe or otherwise) if he's independently wealthy or something? On several occasions Natalie tried to get the department to pay Monk more and tells Monk he can't afford things at times or his check will bounce, like he's broke.


Answer: Like a certain Poirot, he is paid by the case and thus has a lot of cases = lots of income.

Answer: He gets paid by the city on a case by case basis, and she gets paid out of that.

Kevin l Habershaw

Answer: Natalie is not officially employed by Monk, like an independent contractor she gets paid under the table.

That doesn't explain how Monk can afford to pay her.


Answer: He would have received a disability check, suffering from a mental illness qualifies you, the same as a physical injury, but would be limited to his therapy and living expenses.

Except he would be limited in what he could earn to receive payments and that wouldn't be enough to pay a full time employee.


Question: After the incident at Roger's, where an officer was shot, both Jake and Alonzo are back out on the street in a very short time. One would think they'd be tied up giving started m statements, etc, for the rest of the day, and put onto leave after such a dramatic situation. How is it that they are back in action such a short time after an incident of that magnitude?


Answer: Maybe your point (which is an interesting one) should be transformed into a "common movie mistake"? Police officers, undercover officers, etc. spend little, if any, on-screen time writing reports (arrests, evidence seized, etc.), but report writing and other paperwork consumes a lot of the officers' time in real life. Also, they should be given desk-jobs after killing a suspect but are right back on the street.


Question: How did Ray survive the explosion at the end?

Answer: It's unlikely he could have survived in real life, or if he did, he'd be far more injured and/or permanently maimed, but this is a comedy movie, and reality is often ignored.


Question: How is it that they have to be at the mailbox to receive their letters, but that one night she writes to him to call her right then and there as if they are reading each other's minds as they write on paper?

Answer: She mailed the latter at a later time, but asked him to call at the time she was still sitting at the table.

Credible Threat - S1-E18

Question: It shows the tier 1 operators taking the congressman and other officials through the hospital with photographers and film crews everywhere. Aren't tier 1 operators identities supposed to be unknown? Why would they be visible in such a high profile scene?

Answer: They should be wearing balaclavas. They do such operations usually on foreign soil.

Answer: That was the irony of it all, by sheer coincidence the twins were never seen together by Freddie due to unforeseen circumstances.

Answer: I believe they meant Freddie is only helping them as in not Sam and Flick.

Question: When Chris is talking to Gary in the bar, he mentions that one of the side effects of his traumatic brain injury is that he randomly falls asleep. Would he actually be allowed to drive if that's the case? Seems like he would be required to disclose that to the DMV.


Chosen answer: That's a good question! If this condition was known to his doctor, the doctor would have been required to notify the DMV and Chris would more than likely lose his driving privilege. However, there are medications, for example, used to treat narcolepsy that Chris might be prescribed in order to regain driving privileges. He'd have to have maybe a six-month period free of falling asleep before his doctor would notify the DMV that it is safe for Chris to resume driving.


Question: Chris didn't take any ID or such with him. It's OK that he could work with the country guys, but how could he get an "official" job in a fast food restaurant without any identification document or card?


Answer: Chris probably knew what his Social Security Number was, and providing this could be enough to legitimately get him on the payroll. The people he worked for along the way could have been used as references. It is also possible that he was able to get a transcript and/or other documentation from Emory University; maybe a phone call to check if he graduated was more than enough. Christopher was also somewhat older and educated/ intelligent than others seeking such employment - in his early 20s compared to high school kids - which may have given him an advantage. There was probably a high job turnover rate among the employees, making it easier to get hired. Fast food restaurants tend to hire people from all walks of life, many who do not have much, if any, formal education or prior job experience; they often hire whoever applies.


Not entirely disagreeing with your answer, but having worked at a university, I can say that someone cannot simply make a phone call to obtain a student's academic information, even their own. A 1974 U.S. federal law (FERPA) protects student privacy. Every school is different, but there is usually a process requiring identification, paperwork, and signatures to prove identity. As Chris had left all his I.D. behind, it would take some time for him to get any college information, particularly from a school in another state.


Answer: In real life, his sister Carine recovered his backpack, which had been taken and kept by a man immediately after Chris died. In it was his wallet, along with his SS card and other important documents.

Answer: One possibility is that it wasn't an "official" job and his boss was paying him 'under the table' (unreported employment). It is illegal, but it's more profitable for an employer to avoid reporting anything to the federal government, disregard regulations, not pay the usual employee taxes, benefits, etc.


Question: Why did Sgt Drucker not simply identify and arrest Chris (Val Kilmer) when he arrived to collect Charlene? They had seen each other just earlier that day at the bank shoot out.

Answer: Sgt. Drucker didn't actually see Chris. He relied on the description that the officers who stopped Chris gave to him over the radio.

They have known who Chris is and what he looks like for most of the movie. Hard to believe the cops at the check point are relying on Drucker's description when they would have his name and picture on file to give to every cop on the force.

Question: Is Toulour the guy on the motorcycle next to Detective Lahiri's car when she is trying to get her boss to sign the 1077, when she realises that Ryan and the crew are going to try to steal the egg, or is it just some random guy on a motorcycle? He seems awfully interested in her car. (01:03:46 - 01:04:16)

Answer: We see his face as he pulls up to her car; it's Toulour.

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