Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I don't understand the floor plan of the farm. In the first scene of interest, Whip is in the living room and Nicky, to his right, comes out of the bathroom, having had a shower. But, in the second scene of interest, Whip is drunk in the living room and Nicky, to his right, comes in through the front door - where before it was the bathroom.


Question: Berry's phone didn't have a signal in the hideout hole. Can't you call 911 even if your phone doesn't have a signal?

Answer: Not if you have absolutely no signal, no, you can't. Mobile phone companies generally have an agreement that any network will carry an emergency call, even if it's not the network that that phone belongs to, so if you were out of range of your own network, another could carry your call, but if you're in a situation where none of the networks can reach you, by definition no calls of any kind can be made.

Answer: In S3 x E11 Convicts-at-Large, there is a character named Big Maude Tyler, who is the leader of three female escaped convicts. Andy listens to the radio as the news announcer says that Big Maude's aliases include Clarice or Annabelle Tyler and also one amusingly named Ralph Henderson.

Super Grover

Question: Since Dumbledore canceled exams, how did the seven-year students know if they passed for graduation or not? Did they still take exams?

Answer: This is not fully explained, but as the OWL and NEWT students have exams given by the ministry, it is possible that they have already completed their exams or that their exams will not be cancelled. It is also possible that the students' teachers will simply give them a course mark and that they will not have to take the exams.


Question: Does Professor Snape know about Hermione's time-turner necklace? He doesn't seem to care that she suddenly appears in the Defense Against Dark Arts class out of nowhere, especially after class started. (I haven't read the third book yet, so I apologize if this is answered there).

Answer: Snape, and all the Hogwarts instructors know that Hermione is using the time-turner to take extra classes. A time-turner can only be used under very strict conditions and must be approved by the Ministry of Magic. That is why Snape does not punish Hermione for arriving after class has started. If she was merely being late, he would have been angry and deducted house points from Gryffindor.


Answer: Snape cannot possibly know about the time turner. At the end of the third book when Harry and Hermione rescue Sirius, Snape storms in and yells that they had helped Sirius escape, however he can prove nothing. This means that he does not know about the time turner, otherwise he would have brought it up in evidence that the pair must have used it to save Sirius, and furthermore that with the time turner they would be able to be in two places at once, which is the original evidential downfall for him. All of this proves that Snape does not know about the time turner. In response to the piece about the class, it's possible he just didn't notice her popping up out of nowhere.

Answer: While we don't know what exactly happened to her afterwards, we do know that she doesn't get into heaven due to her behavior.


Question: The narrative for this franchise takes place over thousands of years, yet Middle Earth is always in a medieval stasis. Has any reason been provided as to why Middle Earth never advances technologically?


Chosen answer: The presence of real magic in the world, and the fact that evil demi-gods and sorcerers keep trying to destroy it every few thousand years, makes technological advancement an endeavor no one sees much need for. Saruman makes some advances in it at Isengard, and in the novel the Shire had been very industrialized by Saruman's takeover when the hobbits return home to it.


Question: Gretel was 5 years old and the mother died seven years ago. Who is Gretel's mom?

Answer: In the film, the Mother Abess explains to Maria that the Captain Von Trapp's wife died "several years" ago. This is commonly misheard by viewers as "seven years." In reality, the actual mother of the Von Trapp children was Agathe Whitehead, who died of scarlet fever in 1922, just four years before Maria came to the Von Trapp home, initially as a tutor (not a governess) in 1926.

Michael Albert

Answer: However when Captain Von Trapp gets the children to step forward and introduce themselves to Maria he states that their mother died 7 years ago.

Not in the 1965 film, perhaps in another version. In the 1965 film the only thing he says about his late wife when he first meets Maria is "you'll be the 12th governess...since their mother died." When he has the children introduce themselves, he only advises Maria to pay attention to their signals and names. Later after he leaves and the children say how old they are, Marta says "I'll be 7 on Tuesday."


Question: Why did Zod need Lois on the ship? At first, he only seemed interested in Kal-El.

Chosen answer: It's because Zod read Lois' story published by that weird internet guy. She knows Superman better then his own mother, so she could be a valuable source of information for Zod.


Answer: The simple answer would be "he must have trained and gotten fitter." If it were the other way around, fit then a season later unfit, it would be more confusing.


Answer: The two scenarios are very different. When Kripke and Sheldon are playing basketball, Kripke is not familiar with the sport, and in trying to win, uses up a lot of his energy too quickly, without preserving it properly. When Kripke is using the cross trainer, he is familiar with how to use it, and knows what the appropriate speed he should be running at, and preserves more of his energy, so in this scenario, doesn't become exhausted as easily. Plus, since he is more familiar with the cross trainer, it is likely that he has exercised before and the condition of his health has improved in between episodes.

Casual Person

Sexual Healing - S14-E1

Question: After everyone takes the 'Nice lady with the handkerchief' test, why does Kyle put his hand up to say he did not see a handkerchief? Is he just following Kenny's actions?

Answer: Kyle put his hand up because he didn't see the handkerchief, he wasn't following Kenny's actions. He didn't see the handkerchief because he tested positive for sex addiction, just like Kenny and Butters and sex addicts would test positive if they didn't see the handkerchief.

Casual Person

Question: When they look at the map showing the route to the time machine, is the line a different color than the line they actually follow to get to the time machine? (My 11 yr old son thinks it was blue and then they followed the red line).

Answer: There are two lines on the map. The red line leads to the time machine and the blue line leads to freedom. Reggie refused to go on an adventure and just wanted to spend his freedom eating pizza and watching TV, so when looking for the way out, he told Jake that the blue line was the way to the time machine in hopes of escaping. Unfortunately, because they were chased by government agents, they ended up following the red line and finding the time machine.

Question: Todd has been raised from birth to be totally emotionless. When he is thrown out of the colony, what caused him to cry?

Answer: Emotions aren't just learned. Some are inborn and can't be fully suppressed.

Greg Dwyer

Question: How did Tim's dad know about the incident with the black guy and about the fight with Schwartz?

Answer: He likely heard about it around town. Anti-semitism was fairly common at the time so word of someone being beaten in a fight by a Jew would travel fast.

So then, how did he also know about the incident with the black man? It happened clear out of town and the only ones who knew about it were Tommy and Billy since they set the whole thing up and the others didn't know about it until after they run out of the hut.

The rest had been back for a while before his dad showed up. Back then this was a small town and again word gets around real fast.

Question: In the scene where they cross the bridge with the train, and Allison French is being held by those two guys with a rope around her neck, so that if they would shoot the guys, the horse would run off and break her neck, suffocate her or whatever... They were with 4 against 2, so why didn't one of 'em just shoot that horse?

Answer: There's no explanation. It could be that no one thought of this. Also, even if they shot the horse, the girl could still be injured or killed. If the horse was only wounded, it could have bolted, reared up, or fallen and then rolled on top of the girl. There's many different scenarios that could have played out.


Question: Where is Kate living when she finds the book under the floor board? If it not the Lake House how did it get there?

Answer: In her apartment in Chicago. Because Alex knew her address, he hid it in the floorboard for her to eventually find. He knew how important the book was to her. He didn't want to send it to her in the mail, as she originally requested.

Answer: "Here We Go" by the boy band, NSYNC.


Chosen answer: Two were used. A 1936 Harley Davidson knucklehead, and mid to late 40's Indian Chiefs.


Question: When Dr. Kogan is meeting with Marcus, she gets Marcus to sign over his body for research following his death. Later in the film, Marcus discovers that he's been turned into a cyborg. Why did she do this to him and what did she hope to accomplish from it?

Answer: Marcus was a prototype. It was to be the first to actually retain your human self within a machine, in other words your soul.

Answer: She worked for Cyberdyne. She did it for whatever reason Cyberdyne wanted her to. They made Cyborgs.


Question: In the beginning, there is a watchman that announces "Another minute closer to Christmas!" as each minute ticks off a countdown clock. Assuming that each panel (days, hours minutes) is on a revolving wheel of some sort, how can the three wheels work correctly in such close proximity to each other? Granted, only the minutes part moves for the sake of the story, but it still begs the question.

Movie Nut

Answer: By machine.

The clock in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is designed for cinematic effect; a real-world counterpart would rely on precise gearing and engineering to allow three separate wheels to operate in close proximity without interfering with each other. The key would be in the gear ratios and the alignment of the gears to ensure smooth operation of each panel.

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