Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Costner meets Jack Ryan for the first time he calls him John P. Ryan twice instead of Jack. Nowhere else in the movie did I here him referred to as John. Am I missing something? (00:08:15)

Answer: This is true of all versions of the character - his name's officially John Patrick Ryan, but he always goes by Jack.

Answer: In all the original movies he was Jack his sons name was John so I thought he was the son of Jack.

Answer: No reason, it's just there to add a quirky detail to the apartment. It has nothing to do with the plot.


Chosen answer: Because the only time Joey Tribbiani goes to Treager's apartment is when he has clogged the toilet.


Answer: It implies that Joey has to call Treeger often for clogged toilets etc. so Treeger automatically assumed it was for that.

Question: What did Flynn mean when he said gesundheit after Rapunzel corrected him on her name and also, why does he call Pascal a frog?

Answer: It is a common joke where one with a semi-difficult name, is responded with the term "gesundheit" as if they were sneezing. He calls Pascal a frog because he's not that bright, and does not know what he is. Both are used for comedic effect.


Answer: Flynn is a sarcastic character. When he hands Pascal to Rapunzel, he's being sarcastic and inconsiderate. He does not care about either of them (at first). His entire goal is to get the crown by helping Rapunzel so he is doing just that, nothing else matters.

Question: When Manolo travels to see the Candle Maker, only his mother and grandfather accompany him. Why don't any of his other relatives accompany him?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: I think because no one has ever lived or stayed in one piece going there so just his mother that he didn't see for a long time and one other family member just in case.

Question: Whatever happened to Ash's chainsaw? Surely he wouldn't be such an idiot to leave it in the shack where he made sushi out of Bad Ash.

Answer: Towards the end of the film, when Ash mounts his horse and rides off into the sunset (before it then cuts to present day and he's back at the S-Mart), you can see his chainsaw is strapped to the horse's saddle. It seems that he either recovered it after the battle or perhaps he sent someone to the windmill to retrieve it.

Answer: It most likely ran out of gas or broke down.


Question: I'm just curious, if Blackheart wanted that contract so bad and didn't want to wait too long for it, then why did he want that hidden water guy to slow Johnny down or kill him? Did he just want an excuse to kill Roxanne or what? Please explain, thank you.

Answer: The Ghost Rider only appears at night and as Carter Slade told Johnny to "stick to the shadows" because during the daytime, Johnny stays human. By having Wallow slowing him down, he's guaranteeing that by the time Johnny finally reaches him, the sun will eventually rise and then Black Heart can kill him.

Question: When Gollum is wrestling with the orc, does he happen to be at just the right angle for the Ring to fall out of his pocket, or was it the Ring's choice to leave him, as in the book? Also, why does Bilbo just leave Gollum in the cave if he recognizes that Gollum is "miserable, lost, and alone?" Why not take him along and give him to Gandalf, then have Gandalf take him away so he could be with company, yet not hinder their mission?

Answer: Galadriel's narration at the beginning of "The Fellowship of the Ring" states that the Ring "abandoned Gollum", so yes, it chose to leave him in the film. Thorin's company had left Gandalf at Rivendell when they went to the Misty Mountains, so he was not there to hand Gollum over to. Also Gollum had just tried to kill Bilbo, so it would not be practical to bring along a hostile, murderous individual out of pity for his loneliness.


Question: I have two questions. Firstly, who shot Virgil and Morgan. I'm guessing it was the Mexican speaking guy from the opening who we saw hiding during the whole scene, but I'm not sure. And secondly, why did Wyatt pick up McMasters' red sash? Was there a reason?

Answer: Since we never see the shooter's face, it is left open to speculation as to who shot them both. Wyatt picked up McMasters' red sash because he realized that McMasters was serious about leaving the cowboys.

Answer: When Wyatt picked up the red sash, it was then that he decided anyone who wears a red sash is marked; marked for a reckoning that would soon come.

Maybe that was also the moment that Wyatt realised that the "Cowboys" could actually be broken and ended permanently?

Question: What does Sofie Fatale say in Japanese on her cellphone? Just before Sofie Fatale and the rest of the crew are about to enter the Japanese nightclub, there's a flashback in which she's speaking Japanese into her cellphone during the wedding rehearsal fight. I know it's probably not important for the story, but was always curious: what is she saying? She starts with Mushi mushi, which is all that I recognise.

Answer: It translates to "Hello. I'm in the middle of a meeting. Can you call me back later? You're with your wife? I got it."


Question: When the train on fire reverses back into town, the fire bell is rung. A couple of blokes running out of the saloon are yelling out that the train's on fire. How did they know what was on fire?

Answer: Because it was the train station fire alarm.

Question: Why does Henry ask the taxi driver to take him to jail? Aren't the police supposed to take you immediately after the sentencing hearing? Why could he make his own way to jail when he wanted, and why didn't he just run away?


Chosen answer: Convicted criminals aren't always taken immediately to prison upon their sentencing, especially when they're free on bail pending their trial and sentencing hearings. As is often the case in such instances, he was probably given a short time (usually a week) to get his affairs in order before reporting for his incarceration voluntarily; had he not reported on time, police would have been sent to procure him.


Answer: He didn't mean to take him directly to prison, he meant to be taken to the court house or police station to be taken into official custody.

Question: Are there any clues throughout the movie hinting that the old woman is the devil?

Answer: There weren't any clues. It comes off as a total surprise during the reveal. But watching it for the second time, I did notice that she spoke very less compared to others and no one was suspecting her. Usually, that kind of character ends up being the bad guy.


Answer: No. The devil is a deceiver and a trickster who can easily manipulate anyone so everybody in the elevator would not even think to suspect an old lady.

Answer: Yes, there are many clues actually. The old woman's reflection throughout the film always had black eyes. In one scene, they're backed against the wall, the elevator buttons look like devil horns on her head. When she goes to push the floor button, the color is red, rather than the green it is for others. The other two answers just don't pay attention.

Chosen - S7-E22

Question: In season 7 episode 10 we are introduced to a vampire that other vampires fear, called the Turok-Han. Buffy finally destroys the only one released after a long fight, but still gets many cuts and bruises whilst doing so. In the final episode of season 7 when all the slayers are activated, one slayer is fighting more than one Turok-Han without a problem. Why do they find it easier once all the slayers have been activated?

Answer: The first thing that happened to them when all the slayers were activated was a big surge of confidence. They stopped being afraid of the Turok-Han, making it much easier to fight them.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Roy and Chuck Frechette are shooting the breeze about their teenagers, and Frank is a little floored. Right after Frechette says "Summer's The WORST" then Frank does a quick impression, with some kind of European accent maybe "It's's Wild..." and Roy says "He sounds just like him!" What are they talking about? Who is Frank doing an impression of?

Answer: Frank has just done his Christopher Walken impression, the same one Sam Rockwell can be heard doing in Iron Man 2 outtakes and has spoken about in interviews. Most likely just the actors having fun with some improvisation that Ridley Scott chose to leave in.

My Old Lady - S1-E4

Question: In this episode JD, Elliot and Turk all have a patient that dies at the end. JD's dies from old age/refuses treatment. Elliot's dies due to the risky nature of the treatment given, if I remember correctly, however I never understood why Turk's patient dies. He's there for surgery, during surgery the surgeons find something, but they never say what it is. The young man is prepped for surgery again in a late scene and Turk tells him what is happening but we don't hear it. He then dies on the operating table. What was it they found inside the patient? And why did he die so quickly when undergoing surgery for it?


Chosen answer: When they were in the operating room the first time, they saw a black mass that wasn't the hernia. At that point they don't say anything, but when Turk is on the phone he's talking to David's dad and says it was a lymphoma. Which is basically a cancerous tumor. They don't mention in the show, but lymphomas can go undetected and spread and the longer they remain, the less chance of survival. Given the way the rest of the Turk/David scenes play out, David's cancer just went unchecked too long and spread too much where there was nothing the doctors could do.


Question: How did Thomas manage to get into the elevator at the start of the film?

Answer: Thomas was placed there by the lab workers at W.I.C.K.E.D. Boys were being sent up once a month in it as part of an experiment. Thomas, however, works for W.I.C.K.E.D. Although his memory was wiped like the other boys, he, and also the girl, knowingly took part in the experiment in order to change the conditions of the test.


Question: What exactly is the re-education that people keep talking about?

Answer: As this is a totalitarian government, they would re-educate (reprogram) its citizens into whatever social and political beliefs they advocate. This would allow them to better control the population and prevent dissension and rebellion.


Question: What year does this movie's climax take place in? Because a mutant wearing a mouth gag with ginger hair can be seen as one of Stryker's prisoners, and this prisoner is meant to be Banshee. However, in Days of Future Past, it is mentioned that Banshee died at some point before 1971 due to experimentation, I realize there are other continuity issues within this "canon" and that some of them have been rectified if not completely erased from the timeline, but I love Banshee and am just trying to connect each of his appearances. It makes sense that he would be a prisoner of Stryker's since Stryker and Trask were working together in 1971, but only if the end of Origins takes place before then.

Answer: The climax took place on 3 Mile Island which had a partial meltdown at their #2 reactor in March of 1979. This meltdown could be cover in the story for the damage to the island.

Question: Is the movie supposed to have any connection with the Avengers? Is Xandar one of the nine realms? Does the orb have anything to do with the power of the Tesseract?


Chosen answer: Each realm is actually more of a dimension than a single world. So Xandar would be part of Midgard. The orb is the housing for one of the Infinity Gems. The Tesseract is also an Infinity Gem. The stone in Loki's scepter and the Aether from Thor: The Dark world are two others. All 6 gems can be combined on the Infinity Gauntlet which enables the user to do whatever he wishes just by thinking about it. Wielded by Thanos, among others, in the comics.

Grumpy Scot

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