Steven Lee

Thunder Out West - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: George Evans and Reverend Parker are playing chess when they hear a knock at the door. George asks, "Now who could that be at this late hour?" Gene enters and says, "I hate to trouble you at this time of night." Gene says the Cattlemen's Association safe has been blown open and asks George to ride into town with him and determine how much money is missing. When they arrive in town, it is midday. (00:04:40)

Steven Lee

Trivia: This movie takes place in Canada, but was actually filmed near Big Bear Lake in Southern California.

Steven Lee

Other mistake: A brief section of the film was flipped. One building has a sign saying "FIREARMS" and the lettering is in reverse.

Steven Lee

Show generally

Other mistake: In "Violent Is The Word For Curly" (1938), the Stooges are mistaken for college professors. They are teaching a group of students at the all-girls school Mildew College to sing "Swingin' The Alphabet." During the song, the girls sing "Curly's a dope." The dean had introduced the three men as Professors Feinstein, Frankfurter and VonStupor - so how did the girls know Curly's name?

Steven Lee

Show generally

Other mistake: In "An Ache In Every Stake" (1941), when Moe and Larry fall out of their ice wagon and land in the street, it is obvious that stunt doubles were used. When the scene cuts from the doubles to the real Moe and Larry, Moe's legs are in a different position.

Steven Lee

Show generally

Other mistake: In "An Ache In Every Stake" (1941), Vernon Dent is running down a lengthy set of stairs as an icebox is rolling down above him. (The stairs were also used in the 1932 Laurel and Hardy short "The Music Box.") One scene of Dent running down the stairs is shown twice in succession.

Steven Lee

Continuity mistake: Mr. Toad is wearing salmon-colored trousers and riding a horse. As they stop to watch a "motor car" pass by, Toad's trousers are grey. After the car has passed, they are once again salmon.

Steven Lee

Continuity mistake: A cannonball fired from Captain Hook's ship hits a cliff where Peter Pan, Wendy, John and Michael are watching. The blast hurls the four into the air. When Wendy regains consciousness, she is lying face down on the shore as waves wash over her. As she runs up the hillside to search for the others, her clothes are dry and her hair is blowing in the breeze. (00:23:20)

Steven Lee

Rock River Feud - S2-E16

Other mistake: Pat, riding a wagon pulled by two horses and headed to Rock River, slows to look at a sign. The sign, shown in close-up, says "ROCK RIVER, 5 MI." An arrow points to the right - but that is the direction Pat is coming from. The arrow should be pointing to the left.

Steven Lee

Rock River Feud - S2-E16

Other mistake: Gene enters his ranch house and tells Pat, "I picked up a letter for you at the post office - special delivery." A special delivery letter would have been taken to the addressee upon receipt. It would not be left at the post office.

Steven Lee

Melody Mesa - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: The episode opens with a close-up of a poster saying "Elect John Nevers Sheriff" and the shadows of several branches across it. In the long shot, the branches are blowing in the wind. The opening shot is obviously a still photo. (00:00:38)

Steven Lee

Other mistake: Fleeing the Headless Horseman, Ichabod Crane and his horse tumble down a cliff and land in a lake. They are completely submerged but when they come out of the lake they are both completely dry.

Steven Lee

Other mistake: Just as Ichabod Crane places his coat across a small stream of muddy water so Katrina can cross, Brom Bones rides his horse through the water, creating a large splash. Ichabod winds up covered with mud and sitting in the water. Brom scoops up Katrina and rides off with her. There is not a speck of mud or water on her, on Brom or on the horse.

Steven Lee

12th Apr 2023

Fun & Fancy Free (1947)

Continuity mistake: In the "Mickey and The Beanstalk" segment, the Golden Harp is locked inside a chest and has 19 strings. When she is on the table and singing to Willie, she has only nine strings.

Steven Lee

12th Apr 2023

Fun & Fancy Free (1947)

Continuity mistake: Bongo the bear, riding in a car of the circus train, looks out the window. There are four vertical bars on the window - but when seen from outside the train, it has six bars.

Steven Lee

3rd Apr 2023

The Mad Doctor (1933)

Continuity mistake: In this 1933 Mickey Mouse short, Mickey dreams he is in a mad doctor's castle. He opens an inner door and finds a second door behind it. He then finds a third, fourth and fifth door. When a sixth door swings open and he is able to enter the mad doctor's lair, the other five doors have vanished.

Steven Lee

The Breakup - S1-E16

Continuity mistake: When Jeff Derrington arrives on horseback at his ranch, his wife and a baby carriage are in the yard. The carriage is covered by a white blanket. A close-up shows a baby boy in the carriage, even though Jeff never removed the blanket.

Steven Lee

23rd Mar 2023

A Man Called Otto (2022)

Other mistake: Among the credits for the film's music are "principle first violin" and "principle second violin." The correct word is "principal."

Steven Lee

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