Steven Lee

31st May 2024

Safety Last! (1923)

Trivia: The scenes of Harold Lloyd hanging from the hands of a skyscraper clock were filmed on a facade erected on the roof of the L.L. Burns Building at 908 South Broadway in Los Angeles.

Steven Lee

21st Dec 2023

The Santa Clauses (2022)

Trivia: In the later seasons, almost every scene taking place at the Dobson and Kelly law office or in the Emporium or other local business is preceded by the same clip of a downtown street showing "First Bank" and a passing bus.

Steven Lee

17th Oct 2023

Haunted Mansion (2023)

Trivia: Vic, one of the tour guides at the Alistair Crump mansion, begins to play "It's A Small World" on the piano and tells the tour group, "No singing along, please." (01:29:00)

Steven Lee

Trivia: Jodi Benson, who voiced Ariel in the 1989 animated movie "The Little Mermaid", appears in the live-action film as a marketplace vendor who offers Ariel a plate of food and a fork. In a reference to the original film, Ariel uses the fork to comb her hair.

Steven Lee

Trivia: This movie takes place in Canada, but was actually filmed near Big Bear Lake in Southern California.

Steven Lee

1st Sep 2021

Luca (2021)

Trivia: Luca's train ticket to Genova shows his seat number as A113. That was the number of the character animation classroom at California Institute of the Arts. It appears in every Pixar film. (01:21:40)

Steven Lee

Trivia: The building blocks that spelled the name of Mary Poppins in the 1964 "Mary Poppins" film can be seen in Michael Banks' attic. (Actually, they are reproductions; the original blocks are stored in the Disney archives in Burbank).

Steven Lee

Trivia: The street names in the Slaughter Race game are the last names of Disney artists and animators, including (Frank) Thomas, (Ollie) Johnston, (Frank) Wright, (Fred) Moore and (Fred) Spencer.

Steven Lee

25th Nov 2017

Coco (2017)

Trivia: The Pizza Planet truck from "Toy Story" passes by Miguel's house near the beginning of the film. Also in the marketplace, a small Nemo doll is on a table and dolls of Mike Wazowski and Woody are hanging from a stall.

Steven Lee

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