
2nd Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

3rd Oct 2010

Lost (2004)

1st Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

1st Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

1st Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Confidence Man - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Charlie is talking to Claire at the start and he says about there being a doctor at the caves, Claire has her hands on her baby bump. Camera changes and one hand is raised and the other is holding a bottle of water. (00:05:40)


1st Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

The Moth - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Sayid goes to climb the tree for the second antenna, Kate has got most of her rocket stick sticking out of the backpack. When she turns to leave, there is only a small amount sticking out. (00:22:40)


1st Jul 2019

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture Video

The Moth - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: We see Drive Shaft preforming the song We All Everybody for the first time during a live performance. In this clip, Liam's microphone is constantly changing position without him touching it. (00:14:40)


29th Jun 2019

Lost (2004)

29th Jun 2019

Lost (2004)

29th Jun 2019

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

House of the Rising Sun - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When Sayid walks over to Michael, Michael has his suitcase open and a blue shirt and some white items visible in it. When Michael throws the shirt from his hands down behind him, the remaining white items have vanished. (00:26:20)


15th Feb 2006

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Hearts and Minds - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When Sayid opens the lid of the compass to show Jack, in the close-up, all of Sayid's fingernails are short and trimmed, yet, in previous and following shots (including next episode "Special") some of his fingernails (such as the thumbs) are very long again. This occurs in many other episodes, such as "Exodus 2". (00:24:40)

Super Grover

19th Mar 2005

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Raised by Another - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: During Claire's second visit to the psychic, her hair changes position between shots. In one shot, it's hanging loose and in the next, it's tucked behind her right ear. (00:27:10)

13th Jan 2006

Lost (2004)

20th May 2006

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Homecoming - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: When Jack shows Locke the suitcase full of guns, you can see a stick visible in Locke's right hand. However, when Jack asks if Locke knows how to use a gun, you can see that after the camera has panned around, Locke is now holding the gun with both hands, with the stick nowhere to be seen. (00:27:10)

24th Feb 2006

Lost (2004)

12th Jan 2006

Lost (2004)

12th Jan 2006

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Confidence Man - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: After Sawyer admits to Kate that he doesn't have the inhalers, Sayid and he get into a tussle. In the first shot, the back of Sayid's white shirt is fairly clean as he is standing, but in the next wider shot the back is completely filthy - before he and Sawyer ever even hit the ground. (00:30:10)

Super Grover

16th Apr 2006

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Confidence Man - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Just after Sayid has woken Sawyer up by throwing water in his face, there is a shot of Sayid from behind the tree Sawyer is tied to, and you can see a bit of Sawyer's hair. However, it is hardly wet, if at all, and when the camera cuts back to Sawyer his hair is drenched again. (00:22:20)

12th Jan 2006

Lost (2004)

Lost mistake picture

Whatever the Case May Be - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Kate and Sawyer begin their swim, Kate is not wearing a bracelet on either wrist, as she heads into the water. In a few following shots, including when Sawyer goes to "See what they got on em," Kate wears a bracelet on her right wrist, but when they head down to retrieve the case, the bracelet is gone as she pulls on the case. After Sawyer frees the case, in Kate's close-up the bracelet reappears, but now it's on her left wrist, yet when they reach the surface the bracelet's on her right wrist. Whew! (00:03:10)

Super Grover

10th Feb 2006

Lost (2004)

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