Super Grover

24th Jan 2006

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: At the very end, when Tom's son appears and they hug, there is no explanation whatsoever as to how he survived the explosion that engulfed him earlier. When he runs over the hill all we see is fire rising into the sky, incinerating anything that was near. It is impossible for any normal person to have survived a blast of that magnitude.

Correction: Just because there is no explanation offered in the film, does not mean it doesn't fall within the realm of possibility. Yes, there is a huge fireball at the top of the hill, but obviously Robbie had just barely made it past that specific area, before it was consumed by fire.

Super Grover

13th Jan 2006

King Kong (2005)

Corrected entry: On the island when Driscoll tells Denham he's going back for the girl, he says something like, "Leave the gate open for us." But the gate is in the 1933 version. It's a drawbridge in the new version.

Correction: When he says "gate" he is referring to the two huge doors, not the drawbridge.

Super Grover

27th Aug 2001

3 Ninjas (1992)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the mom is going out, and is talking to the boys before she leaves, she is putting in her earrings. As she turns to leave one of her earrings falls out.

Correction: If the earring reappeared in the next few shots, there would be a mistake, but as it stands this isn't a mistake; earrings fall out, it happens.

Super Grover

13th Sep 2005

Lost (2004)

Correction: While Kate is in the office, we see her being struck on the left side, which leaves a bruise on the left side of her lip. Then it cuts away to the main bank area, just before the door to the office opens, when Kate comes out with more bruising on the right side. Time has passed between the two shots, and it was during that time that Kate received more bruises to be more convincing as a supposed victim. We do not need to see it onscreen to know that this occurred.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: People float in water. Therefore, when Harry undid the rope around Ron's foot in the Black Lake task, Ron should have floated upwards, however slowly, because Harry didn't swim back towards the surface for some time afterwards.

Correction: The four "captives" were put to sleep with a magic spell(s) that allows them to stay alive while underwater, so part of the power of the spell actually keeps them submerged. The binds around their ankles merely hold them in place and are for the task's rescue porposes. Even at the very end of the task, when Harry nears the surface with Ron and Gabrielle, he gives them a push to float up, before the Grindylow attack him.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: The parting of Merry and Pippin takes place within two or three days after the Isengard battle. In the aftermath of Isengard they find one barrel each filled with pipeweed, yet when Merry says goodbye to Pippin all that is left is a small pouch. There is no way they could have smoked all that pipe weed in just a few days; it was month's worth.

Correction: Pipe weed from the Shire was lauded to be the best, and most coveted, so quite realistically Merry and Pip shared their good fortune with Gandalf (even Saruman confirms Gandalf's desire in FOTR), Gimli, Aragorn and the rest. Aside from that, those two Halflings could indeed have smoked non-stop after having gone without for a long time; Hobbits are known for their predilection for the pipe weed.

Super Grover

2nd Jan 2006

Four Brothers (2005)

Corrected entry: The insurance man advises that he is from "State Farm Insurance", but the check that is deposited later says "Mutual State Insurance".

Correction: An insurance company may have different subsidiaries with different names, that are licensed to operate under those names in different states; this is not unheard of.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Regarding Aslan's revival because he was an 'innocent who sacrificed himself', if he knew he was going to be revived, it wasn't much of a sacrifice, was it?

Correction: On the contrary, for Aslan to willingly offer himself to suffer humiliation and pain took great courage and steadfast faith on his part. It was only through that faith that he had the firm belief he would return. This is not a plot hole.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After the children encounter and receive gifts from Father Christmas, Susan says to Peter: "Just because some man in a red suit hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero." But Father Christmas had been dressed all in brown.

Correction: This is Susan's error, not the film's, and considering her frame of mind at the time she said that, it's not surprising.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie there is a scene where Joe is sleeping in his car and little boys throw a dead squirrel inside the car. When the camera goes back from Joe to the boys, one of them flickers a glance at the camera.

Correction: When a character happens to glance at the camera lens it is treated as if the camera is not there - so the character is really only looking at that 'empty' area, which coincidentally is that of the camera's position.

Super Grover

17th Dec 2005

The Cave (2005)

Corrected entry: When choosing a hole, one dude says "Smells like methane". Methane is odorless.

Correction: People make mistakes, and there are many dense people who say and do stupid things, hence this boils down to a character's mistake.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry, Lockhart and Ron are in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, when Harry opens the chamber you can see a cord pulling the top part up.

Correction: Unfortunately, whether viewing the widescreen or fullscreen DVD, or VHS, there is no cord, or rope, or even wire, visible as the top vanity is rising in the first overhead shot and the second wideshot from behind Harry, Ron, and Lockhart. In the second wideshot, the vanity rises directly in front of the large window encased in the stone wall; the lines of the stone wall may deceivingly give the appearance as if there are cords at the top of the vanity.

Super Grover

15th Dec 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: When Ray arrives at his home to meet his ex and kids after he gets off work, his ex-wife is wearing a short green blouse with a long black skirt. When she's in the bedroom speaking to Ray and Robbie regarding his paper, she's wearing a long dress, then in the next shot walking down the stairs, it is a short blouse again.

Correction: Mary Ann is wearing the same outfit throughout these shots, including Ray's driveway, in Ray's kitchen, walking up the stairs, in the kids' bedroom, then walking down the stairs, to the last shots of her at Ray's front door. She wears a brown skirt, a green floral pregnancy blouse, a long blue knit sweater with a brown furled edged collar (sleeves are also furled and are visible under coat sleeves in some shots), and a long grey tweed coat.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the graveyard scene, the year of birth on Tom Riddle Sr.'s tombstone changes from 1905 to 1880. (As the most recent book reveals that Voldemort killed his father at age 16, if Riddle Sr. were born in 1905 this would mean he fathered Voldemort at age 12.).

Correction: On the tombstone the top name is Thomas Riddle, Voldemort's grandfather, who was born in 1880. The middle name on the tombstone is Voldemort's grandmother. The bottom name is Tom Riddle, Voldemort's father, who was born in 1905. Voldemort was born, according to the official timeline of the films, in 1926 (New Years Eve), which would make his father, Tom Riddle, 21 yrs old (or nearly 22, depending on the specific month) when Voldemort was born.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene after the First Challenge when Ron gets his package, Harry has a very bad cut on his face which seems to be closed with stitches. In the very next scene when the Yule ball is announced the cut and stitches have vanished.

Correction: When Harry is in the dining hall with Hermione and Ron, who receives his dress robes, Harry has a cut on his left cheek closed with four small strips of tape. In the next scene, when Professor McGonagall tells the students about the Yule Ball, Harry still has the cut closed with strips of tape.

Super Grover

23rd Nov 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Correction: This is a character's mistake, it happens.

Super Grover

24th Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: In one scene after their car has been taken, the three bunch together and Robbie has a bloody nose. You see him in the next shot and his nose is clear, in fact his whole face is clean.

Correction: They don't bunch together, and it's not in "the next shot" that the blood is gone. At the diner, Robbie has the bloody nose when the gunshot is heard, and Rachel runs to his arms, while Ray sits across from them at the table. Now there are three shots where Robbie's face is not visible, the first of which he buries his face into his wet jacket sleeve while he hugs Rachel. It's very reasonable to think that the small amount of blood was wiped away during the time his face was not seen onscreen.

Super Grover

13th Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: When Ray Ferrier walks to the area where the lightning struck 26 times in one place, he walks past a number of cars which are between him and the camera. In the window of the last one he walks past, you can see a cameraman looking into the lens of the camera filming the shot.


Correction: The reflection in the window of this car is a gentleman with a baseball cap simply walking past the car, along with the rest of the crowd on the busy street; he does not look into a lens, nor is there any lens or any other camera part visible in the reflection.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Moody is showing the class the three unforgivable curses, Moody asks Ron a question and Ron is sitting in the very first row (in front of Moody). In other shots Ron and Harry are not in the front row.

Correction: The first desk in the center row seats Neville and another student, the second desk in the center row seats Crabbe and another student, and the third desk center row seats Ron and Harry. This never changes for the duration of Moody's class. When Moody asks Ron for an Unforgivable curse, he stands behind Crabbe, facing Ron's desk.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the banquet scene after the other schools have entered, the camera pans down the staff table. At this table Madame Maxime, Igor Karkaroff, and Barty Crouch are all already visible. However in the shot where Dumbledore stands with the goblet, Barty Crouch is shown entering a side door next to the staff table.

Correction: Barty Crouch has the seat to Dumbledore's right (viewer's left) at the staff table, in front of the large window, and Karkaroff and Snape sit further down on the (viewer's) right. Barty is not shown walking in through the side door as Dumbledore speaks to the students. Barty is, however, shown walking directly behind the staff chairs toward the viewer's right, with the tall glistening glass cylinders located on the wall behind him (Snape sits nearly in front of these cylinders), in order to walk around the staff table to reach the front, where Dumbledore stands.

Super Grover

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