
7th Feb 2006

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: Taking into account Boo's height and the fact she can't talk very well puts her age at about 2. Her drawing ability however is that of a 5 or 6 year old.


Correction: Using someone's height and vocal abilities is not evidence to prove an age but pure assumption. Even if we could assume that was her age, its still presumptious to say what she could and couldn't do. As I mentioned we don't know how old she was and also have no idea of her abilities (i.e. Simple drawing). Besides which the drawing was not a professional looking painting but an simple crayon picture of the monsters, so its even more presumptious to those sort of drawings are a few years away.


10th Feb 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Corrected entry: When Bruce meets Selina in the streets of Gotham and enquires about the relighting of the Christmas tree, she says "It's going to be a hot time in the cold town tonight".this is a nod to the previous film - in that film it is the Joker who says this.

Correction: Observations in films are not trivia worthy. Additionally obvious observations such as the same line being used in a sequel is nothing new, just look at Terminator.


10th Feb 2006

Shrek 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When Shrek cannot sleep at the castle, he gets up and starts moving around Fiona's room. He picks up her princess doll off of the shelf and it says the line "Dear Knight I pray that you take this favor as a token of my gratitude." This is the same line Fiona first said to Shrek when he rescued her from the castle in the first movie.

Correction: As mentioned hundreds if not thousands of times, observations in films are not trivia worthy. Additionally obvious observations such as the same line being used in a sequel is nothing new, just look at Terminator.


Sleepy Time / Suds - S1-E15

Corrected entry: In "Suds", we see that there's a mountain at the back of the Krusty Krab. I think it's obvious that the mountain isn't in any other episodes of the show.

Correction: The mountain is added for comedic value and many other landmarks in Spongebob change simply for the same reason. However in another episode, Spongebob races Sandy down the hill and the hill is behind the Krusty Krab.


16th Feb 2005

Office Space (1999)

Corrected entry: Peter grabs an electric driver to unscrew the metallic door handle off the door so he won't get a static shock when he opens the door. But how did he remove the metallic cover to get to the screws without actually touching it? You cannot remove the cover armed with just an electric driver.

Correction: In the scene when he goes to remove the door handle, it cuts from him holding the electric drill to finishing undoing the handle and knocking it off so we don't know how he exactly removed it. Just because he didn't like touching doesn't mean he didn't or wouldn't touch it to remove it.


18th Jan 2006

Airplane (1980)

Corrected entry: When Captain Oveur is summoned to the white courtesy phone, he picks up the red one at first and is told "No - the white phone." He replies "Oh." Just after his response and just before he hangs up the phone, a small higher-pitched sound is heard. According to Peter Graves in the commentary, that's the script supervisor stifling a laugh. (00:05:40)

Jeff Swanson

Correction: If you have to listen to the commentary to find out the sound is a laugh then its not really a mistake but a sound at an busy airport.


21st Jan 2006

Street Fighter (1994)

Corrected entry: Of all the main characters from the game appearing in the movie, Dee Jay and Dhalsim have been turned into non-fighters.

Correction: This is merely an observation. As noted in the contribution rules "If you're submitting trivia, it has to be both interesting and not blatantly obvious".


Correction: Thats not trivia. Its merely an obvious observation.


16th Jan 2006

Mr. Deeds (2002)

Corrected entry: The footage that Pam presents of Deeds obviously couldn't have gotten from her camera. Notice of all the incredible angles she impossibly got, including be in two places at the tame to get two shots of one moment. The footage that she presents is the actual film part, that was shown before. This happens in the two footages she gets.

Correction: This mistake has already been submitted and corrected. As noted in the other correction the footage is not necessarily from just Pam's camera but eye witnesses sending in their footage of the incident.


14th Jan 2006

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: During the scene the toys are crossing the road to Al's Toy Barn the traffic light changes too fast. As soon as it hits red on one side it'll go to green instantly for the opposite lane of traffic. It does this a couple times during the scene. In reality there should be a 3 or 4 second delay between red to green changes. (00:37:20)

Correction: There is no rule or law that lights have to wait a few seconds to change to green after one has turned red. Some lights in real life do change instantly as it adds up to too much time waiting to change, but not every light will wait a few seconds before changing.


11th Jan 2006

28 Days Later (2002)

Plot hole: When someone is in a coma for 28 days, the hospital would have AT LEAST have catheterized said person, however when Jim wakes up in the hospital he is not attached to anything but an IV.


Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: What happened when Jim was admitted is never revealed. Being that there is nothing to show what happened when he was admitted its impossible to say certain procedures would have been followed or more simply the hospital might have not undertaken them. More importantly we don't know when the virus hit certain areas. In addition Jim was taken in around the time the virus was first starting to spread and hospitals would be the most likely place someone infected would be taken to so many working or staying there would have been the first to have been infected. With that scenario the staff at the hospital might have neglected some of their patients because of how quickly the virus spread.


If the hospitals would have been some of the first infection sites, why would Jim have survived the entire 28 days? I doubt someone was refilling his IV on a regular schedule if the patients are becoming violent animals, which would suggest he would have died of dehydration before starvation would have gotten to him. Also, why would those infected ignore Jim while he was comatose? Would it not be 'sporting'? Given how instinctual they seem to become I don't see how comatose would be any different from intoxicated or deeply asleep. Did all of those sorts avoid infection as well?

Something Smells / Bossy Boots - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When SpongeBob is at the movie theater, look at the blue fish with brown pants.(the one who is to the left of Patrick.) That fish is Fred. (he is the one who is always saying "My leg.") Fred is supposed to be dark green, but here he is light blue.

Correction: Actually no one fish has been identified as the one who says "My Leg". In the many instances you hear it , you never actually see who says it so using that as proof he has changed is not possible. I also believe he never identifies himself so saying its "Fred" is also impossible. It simply could be someone who looks like Fred.


Corrected entry: On the unrated DVD, Martha Johnstone tells Justin she isn't wearing panties. But when her name is called and she runs toward Justin, she kicks her right leg up and you can see she is wearing a pair of gray panties.

Correction: She could simply be lying.


Corrected entry: Felicity's flashback of Basil's saying "remember, by any means necessary" is different to how he actually said it.

Correction: Like any flashback how we remember a memory can differ from how it looked or happened.


31st Dec 2005

Seinfeld (1990)

The Millennium - S8-E20

Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, when Jerry one-ups Newman with the fact that the Newmannium party is being held incorrectly on New Year's 1999-2000 instead of correctly on New Year's 2000-2001, Jerry says, " Oh, that's interesting, because as everyone knows, since there was no year zero, The Millennium doesn't begin until the year two-thousand and one. Which would make your party, one year late, and thus, quite lame." The party is in fact one year early rather than one year late.

Correction: Newman booked the party to bring in the 2001 new year not the 2000 new year. He booked the restaurant for the millenium not thinking that 2001 was officially marked as the new millenium. However most people celebrated the new millenium as 2000. Even if Jerry's comments are wrong its simply a character mistake. Many had the same belief that 2001 was the actual millenium.


22nd Dec 2005

Liar Liar (1997)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Fletcher is sitting outside the courthouse (court is in recess following Fletcher's self-battery), Samantha and her lover approach him to discuss their testimony. They agree that Fletcher will "walk them through the tape" and that they will give the explanation that he came up with. Problem is, Fletcher had never heard the tape before that day (or he would have known how it could be proved that the voice on the tape wasn't Cole himself). That being the case, he wouldn't have had the time to come up with a rationale for the tape, and even if he had, he couldn't have proposed any lies for them to tell. (Also, I'm not sure, but aren't the rules of discovery being violated, since Fletcher was apparently unaware of the contents of the tape and it was not being used for witness rebuttal?).


Correction: Firstly there was nothing to indicate Fletcher hadn't heard the tape. If you have a read of the script you will see he never admits to not hearing the tape. Secondly Fletcher was having a hard time keeping quiet so his outbursts were more out of frustration, as he says for his reason for objection "Because it's devastating to my case". That just means it was a damning piece of evidence, not that it hadn't been heard. Remember he couldn't lie so he would know that if he hadn't heard it he would likely make the court aware of it and that it would be inadmissible. Thirdly Fletcher never talked about his strategy of the case, only that they were going to lie. As pointed out he never admitted to not hearing the tape so being that he couldn't get through with his line of questioning because it contained lies, means that he more than likely wrote the questions and answers the day(s) before and knew about the tape.


15th Dec 2005

Con Air (1997)

Corrected entry: When Sandino attempts to flee Lerner Airfield in the chartered plane, all the other inmates look over at the plane and then chase after it as it begins to depart. Vince Larkin comes out of hiding and sprints alongside the plane to the tractor so he can sabotage the departure of the plane. If the inmates were able to see the plane taking off, wouldn't they have been able to see Larkin as well?

Correction: Before the plane takes off Larkin is already well out of the way of the hangar. Being that the inmates would be looking more behind the plane they would not likely see him. Also he is running alongside the plane on the other side of it, not in direct view of the inmates. So combined with the distance away from the inmates and on the other side there is no guarantee they would have seen him.


15th Dec 2005

Futurama (1999)

Luck of the Fryrish - S3-E10

Corrected entry: When the Planet Express spaceship approaches the Orbiting Graveyard, both the inner and outer doors of the airlock open at the same time. Since the graveyard is pressurised and we can see there are no other doors, that is going to cause some problems.

Correction: Futurama tries to keep scientifically accurate from time to time but many times bends this either for comedy or simply it doesn't matter to the storyline. For example the creator's admitted that it would be impossible for many of the famous heads to still be around in the year 3000, but they didn't care because it was funny.


11th Dec 2005

U.S. Marshals (1998)

Corrected entry: When Tommy Lee Jones has his gun brought to him in the restaurant, he checks the gun by pulling back the slide. However, rather than letting the slide go, he moves it down by hand. With a Glock, this could result in a jammed cartridge - a man of his characters experience would, first, realize that and second, want to reduce errors when chasing a dangerous fugitive.

Timmy O'Toole

Correction: Words like "this could result" and "want to reduce errors" are evident that its not a movie mistake but a character choice and at the most perhaps a character mistake. The way he loads his gun is his preferred method, maybe not the "correct" way but makes no difference.


10th Dec 2005

The Waterboy (1998)

Corrected entry: When Bobby is studying for his exam, his mom finds out he is playing football and going to school. She says he will fail the exam but Bobby never told her about the exam.

Correction: Bobby's mother knows he is going to school not playing football. Being that he was studying she knew it was likely he had a big exam coming up.


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