
Trivia: The codename for the film during production was "Rust City."


Trivia: Originally, sequels were planned for the 2016 "Ghostbusters" reboot. However, when the film attracted some controversy and fell short at the box office, plans for the sequels were abandoned. Eventually, an idea was hatched for a direct sequel to the original two films, which became "Ghostbusters: Afterlife."


Trivia: Director Jason Reitman is the son of Ivan Reitman, director of the original "Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters II." As a child, Jason actually had a cameo in "Ghostbusters II" during the birthday party in the beginning. (He's the kid who tells Ray he heard the Ghostbusters were "full of crap").


Trivia: The film is often referred to as "Jumanji 2" in articles and publications, as it is a sequel to the 2017 film "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle." However, it's actually technically the fourth film in the series. The series starts with 1995's "Jumanji," followed by 2005's "Zathura: A Space Adventure" (which has been confirmed to take place in the same universe), followed by 2017's "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle," followed by this film.


Trivia: The film had a surprisingly fast production schedule. While the movie was announced shortly after the previous film, filming didn't begin until the end of January, 2019. The movie wrapped in May - only seven months before the release. By contrast, the previous film, "Welcome to the Jungle," wrapped filming a full year before release.


Trivia: Stay tuned during the credits - there's a bonus scene after the first few roll.


Plot hole: Freddy is killed at the end because he sees his own reflection in a mirror, which causes the souls in his body to revolt and kill him. But this weakness to mirrors and reflections doesn't fit in any other film of the series. He repeatedly appears in mirrors in the other films, and in the climax of "Dream Warriors," he even appears in a hallway of mirrors that are facing each other, where he would have seen his own reflection multiple times. No matter how you slice it, his death in this movie doesn't add up in the overall context of the series.


9th Feb 2020

Hollow Man (2000)

Trivia: The producers reportedly had to buy the rights to the 1992 novel "The Hollow Man" by Dan Simmons in order to name the movie "Hollow Man." The book is nothing like the film, instead being about a man who can hear other people's thoughts.


9th Feb 2020

Hollow Man (2000)

Trivia: Footage of the elevator shaft was repurposed and used as stock footage in another popular horror film - 2005's "Saw II."


7th Feb 2020

The Lighthouse (2019)

Trivia: Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson barely spoke and essentially never hung out during filming. Although it was not for some method acting reason or anything like that. Filming was very hard due to the extreme conditions, and they simply were too exhausted to chat most of the time, instead choosing to conserve their energy for filming. They eventually got to know each other after filming had wrapped.


7th Feb 2020

The Lighthouse (2019)

Trivia: The movie was filmed in a full-frame aspect ratio and in black and white in order to help put the audience into the film. The aspect ratio was chosen in to make the film feel more confined and closed in. And it, along with the black and white filmstock, also helps the film feel aged and older.


6th Feb 2020

Halloween (2018)


Continuity mistake: In the end, when Michael has grabbed Karen's ankle and is trying to pull her down into the basement, Allyson grabs a knife off the floor and stabs him. However, if you watch very closely, you can see she's already holding the knife in one shot before she grabs it. (It's the shot right before Laurie screams "I've got you!" to Karen.) You have to pay attention because it goes by quickly, but you can see Allyson lifting the knife into frame for a split second, even though she doesn't pick it up off the floor until about 15 seconds later.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: Alec Baldwin has admitted he didn't really understand or even like the film when it was being made, and actually thought it was going to kill his career. Although he has also said he enjoyed his time on-set, especially working with Michael Keaton. It ended up being a big hit and helped put Baldwin on the map.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: If you look closely during Delia and Charle's last scene (when Delia scares Charles with the Beetlejuice sculpture), you can see a magazine cover featuring Delia and her sculptures at the top of the frame for a few seconds, implying she's found some success in the meantime.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: While the film is called "Beetlejuice," the character's name in the film is actually spelled "Betelgeuse." It was decided to re-spell the name in the trailers and on the film's title card for marketing purposes, to make it easier for audiences to be able to pronounce the name.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: In one scene, Delia is wearing strangely baggy red pants held up with suspenders. This is actually a sweater that Charles was seen wearing earlier. It was flipped upside-down and repurposed into a pair of pants. This is one of a few instances in the film where Delia is repurposing clothing. Another example is in the first diner scene where the characters are eating Chinese food - in that scene, she's wearing a peculiar headband made of gloves.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: The legs of the magician's assistant character (the lady who is cut in half) were "played" by Tim Burton's then-girlfriend.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: Tim Burton hated the "Day-O" dance number, and thought it wasn't funny. He feared the scene wouldn't get any laughs from audiences. He ended up being proven wrong - audiences loved it and the scene become somewhat iconic.


6th Feb 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Trivia: When Glenn Shadix (who portrayed Otho) passed away in 2010, the song "Day-O" was played at his funeral as a tribute to his work on this film.


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