
24th May 2024

FBI (2018)

Ring of Fire - S6-E13

Question: Why is it that the FBI team is surrounded by the SWAT team when they enter the building near the end of the show, but the SWAT team is nowhere to be seen during the interior search and prolonged shootout?


24th May 2024

FBI (2018)

17th May 2024

FBI (2018)

Victim - S5-E4

Continuity mistake: S6 E12 Consequences. In the opening scene, a victim is being chased through a wooded area with his hands tied behind his back with duct tape and duct tape over his mouth. He hides briefly behind a wall and emerges with his hands free and no duct tape on his mouth.


3rd Apr 2024

FBI (2018)

Unforeseen - S6-E6

Continuity mistake: Maggie chases and isolates one of the terrorists holding a cylinder of toxic gas. The terrorist pulls down his gas mask to speak to Maggie, but in the following few scenes, the mask moves from below his chin to all the way back in place.


16th Feb 2024

FBI (2018)

All the Rage - S6-E1

Continuity mistake: The team is moving into an industrial space where they believe the perpetrator is hiding. There is a generator outside with a red power cord leading under the door they are about to breach. When they burst through the door, the cord is no longer there but it can be seen a few seconds later, but now it is black.


24th May 2023

FBI (2018)

God Complex - S5-E23

Continuity mistake: The chase scene when Maggie, Tiff, and A are chasing the suspect is a total mess. Maggie radios in to say "he ran down the subway", but he doesn't and they pursue him in the streets. Almost immediately, the suspect hijacks a car three blocks away. They locate him in Queens, but now it's night and raining. However, when the chase began, it was bright daylight and clear. Maggie chases him into a crypt, and in the last scene, daylight is shining through a window.


4th Jan 2023

FBI (2018)

19th Nov 2022

FBI (2018)

Victim - S5-E4

Question: How was a police report filed for OA's mugging in the beginning of the show? OA wanted nothing to do with the police or to be seen as a victim. He ran away from the scene when he learned a passerby called 911.


1st Oct 2022

FBI (2018)

Love Is Blind - S5-E2

Plot hole: When Scola and Nina enter the suspect's apartment and begin the search, Nina, before she enters one of the rooms says to Scola " come in here you should see this" indicating that she was aware of something important in a room that she had not yet been in.


1st Oct 2022

FBI (2018)

Love Is Blind - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: Early in the episode in the aftermath of the shooting in the pawn shop in which the two glass doors have been shattered and all glass has fallen, there are scenes with large sections of broken glass in the doors.


16th May 2022

FBI (2018)

7th Jan 2022

FBI (2018)

Fostered - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: The chase scene toward the end of the episode is a mess. Toward the end of the episode, Scola runs through a door twice while chasing the suspect and, just a few scenes later, Tiff, while chasing another suspect approaches another door twice before she enters.


3rd Jan 2022

FBI (2018)

Fire and Rain - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the show Scola and the brother of the principle terrorist emerge from the building containing the now disabled bomb. The brother and Scola exchange a few words and the brother walks away. After a very quick camera change the next shot shows the brother far away from Scola, much too far for him to have walked given the shortcut away.


24th May 2021

FBI (2018)

15th Mar 2021

FBI (2018)

Discord - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: The scenes of OA and Maggie chasing McGowan are a mess. The distances between the agents and the perp vary greatly from moment to moment and OA is going over the same fence twice.


27th Feb 2021

FBI (2018)

Uncovered - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: The two FBI agents are searching for the wounded perp and track him to a veterinarian's-the woman working in the office is ordered to the ground and lays down in front of office chairs very close to large animal cages by her head. In the next scene when she is ordered to her feet, the cages are nowhere near her.


7th Nov 2019

FBI (2018)

Outsider - S2-E6

Plot hole: The FBI is looking for a "very tall" guy who has been identified as such by various witnesses and by their own expert due to the entry angle of a fatal bullet wound - 6'5" at least. They send Elena into a bar near the end of the show to meet the Albanian perp who when he arrives is barely average height.


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