
1st Apr 2010

Surrogates (2009)

Continuity mistake: During the car chase the damages on the car differ in every angle. The copilot door's glass, for example, swaps from being slightly broken, to totally shattered, then perfect, then it's gone, then it's slightly damaged.


1st Apr 2010

Cyborg (1989)

Continuity mistake: Nady is in the ruins confronting a guy who slams a chain against a wall. In the wide angle the wall is in a dark spot, has graffiti and a ladder, but in the close-up it's a plain white wall next to a sunny place.


1st Apr 2010

Men in Black (1997)

Continuity mistake: When the farmer kills the two men at the diner he exits the place and encounters a passer-by. When the angle changes the man has vanished. (00:43:05)


1st Apr 2010

Men in Black (1997)

Continuity mistake: When the two men with the cat are eating at the diner, the table behind the old man is either empty or has an old woman sitting by it, depending on the angle. (00:41:30)


24th Mar 2010

Angels & Demons (2009)

Continuity mistake: When the camera focuses on the French reporter standing on top of the van, he has his arm up, but in the next close-up it's down and resting by his lap.


24th Mar 2010

Surrogates (2009)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie Willis arrives home looking for his wife. There's a close-up of a yellow bottle surrounded with pills. Its position and the amount of pills changes in the wide angle.


22nd Mar 2010

Mad Men (2007)

22nd Mar 2010

Mad Men (2007)

19th Mar 2010

Lost (2004)

7th Mar 2010

Lost (2004)

LA X (Part 1) - S6-E1

Continuity mistake: 6-01-02 - LAX: Before Hurley grabs a gun, while Sayid is lying down, his head position keeps swapping from straight in the close-ups to tilted to the right in the wide angle.


7th Mar 2010

Lost (2004)

Continuity mistake: After Veronica's car crashes, she is seen on a CCTV screen showing her ID. Half a second later, when the angle changes, her hairstyle is different.


Continuity mistake: After escaping from the motel, Luc and Veronica buckle up. Minutes later they pull the car over and in the wide angle you can see that neither he nor Veronica is buckled up. Then in the close-up they're buckled up again.


Continuity mistake: Veronica and his mate arrive to the military base, pull over and chat. From her window the scenery is dark and still, but from his it's daylight and the car is moving.


6th Mar 2010

Precious (2009)

6th Mar 2010

Precious (2009)

Continuity mistake: Mongo throws the tin foil plate to the floor, but after that it keeps appearing and disappearing randomly on the table.


Continuity mistake: When Luc is in the tub covered with ice bags, a bag appears next to his armpit in the close-ups, but disappears in the wide angles.


Universal Soldier mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Veronica arrives at the Hoover Dam and pulls over there are just three people next to the car. A shot later there are 5 people on the left who have appeared out of nowhere.


5th Mar 2010

Shutter Island (2010)

Continuity mistake: The first night Chuck and Teddy sleep in the bunk bed, Chuck's head is totally resting on the pillow in the close-up angle, as opposed to the semi-rigid position from the previous wide angle shot.


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