Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
Movie Quote Quiz

Top: Well, Flash. Once again, it looks like you're the bottom and I'm the top!

Quantom X

Barry Allen: War? What? No mom, I'm fine. But everything else has changed, and I have to find out why. I think it probably has something to do with me being-
Nora Allen: Gay?
Barry Allen: What? No.
Nora Allen: It's okay, I love you no mater what.

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The Flash: It's me you want, Thawne. You don't have to kill thousands of innocents to bring me down.
Eobard Thawne: No. No, I don't. But I choose to, knowing it will make your last moments pure agony. Goodbye.

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Superman: I've notified S.T.A.R. Labs to ready a cozy little cell for you, Professor.
The Flash: I understand the food's not great there, Zoom.
Eobard Thawne: Enjoy your petty little victories, Flash. But no matter how fast you run, you can't save everyone. Not the ones that matter to you.
Superman: Best to keep your mouth shut if you don't want bugs in your teeth.

Nora Allen: Barry, when I was a little girl, Grandma taught me a prayer: Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can... And have the wisdom to know the difference.
Young Barry: ...I don't totally get that.
Nora Allen: Heh, you will.

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Grifter: I like your style, Batman. A pity we never teamed up when the world still existed.
Thomas Wayne: Batman and Grifter, the boy idiot.

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Thomas Wayne: Where's the Joker? Where, Yo-Yo? Tell me where the Joker's funhouse is this time. While you can still talk.
Yo-Yo: Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue. Ow!
[Batman grabs her face and pulls out a blade.]
Thomas Wayne: Let me help you get it off.

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James: Look who's just joined the land of the living. I don't mean to interrupt your beauty sleep, Lord knows you need it, but the Elongated Kid murderer isn't gonna catch himself.
Barry Allen: Elongated Man was murdered!?
James: Elongated Kid.
Barry Allen: What?

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Top: Aren't you gonna do something!?
Aquaman: I am. I've got a million microbes eating the bomb's wiring.

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The Flash: Batman?
Batman: It's future tech. Difficult to disarm without setting them off, even for me.
Captain Atom: I could try to vaporize the bombs.
Wonder Woman: Yes, but you'd be vaporizing the Rogues as well.
Aquaman: Diana's right. What's plan B?

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Thomas Wayne: Judge Dent was kidnapped last night. Where did the Joker take him?
Yo-Yo: Even if I did know, it wouldn't do you any good, Bats. He's probably already dead.
Thomas Wayne: Then so are you.
[Batman throws Yo-Yo off the roof.].

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Barry Allen: Brace yourself for a shock. I'm the Flash.
Nora Allen: Oh... What's the Flash?
Barry Allen: You know, the Flash. Fastest man alive? Fights Crime? Very famous superhero?
Nora Allen: A superhero? Heh, you mean like Batman?

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Batman: Thawne is a classic sociopath. They have a knack for knowing just what will get under your skin.
The Flash: Yeah... They do.
Batman: You okay?
The Flash: Don't worry about me, Bats. I'm fine. Nothing I can't run off.

Quantom X

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Batman shoots Reverse Flash through the head, Flash rushes over to Batman and catches him before he falls over from his wounds. As Flash is lying him down slowly, there is no blood on Batman's face. It then cuts to a close up as Batman reaches up to pull off his mask and there is suddenly blood on his lips and chin. (01:12:20)

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More mistakes in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

Trivia: After the ending credits, there is an additional scene showing an alien invasion appear from a temporal rift. This is likely an homage to the upcoming movie, Justice League: War, which is the story of the Justice League first forming in order to combat an alien invasion. (01:20:50)

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More trivia for Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

Chosen answer: Thawne spent his whole life wanting to discover the speed force. When he did, he became The Flash of his time. But Thawne couldn't live up to Barry's legacy. It drove him mad. And drove to eliminate Barry.


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