Notting Hill

Question: What did it say on the bench in the garden they climbed over the fence for?

Answer: "For June who loved this garden - from Joseph who always sat beside her." And below that, "June Wetherby 1917-1992" with a picture of a three leaf clover underneath. Upon seeing the inscription, Julia Roberts comments, "some people *do* spend their whole lives together."

Michael Albert

Question: Who is the actor at the press conference who says "Are you getting married?" and what is written on the side of William's refrigerator?

Answer: Uncredited actor Taylor Murphy asks "are the two of you getting married?" under the Elvis Costello song, "She." The side of William's refrigerator has a set of magnetized words, found on many refrigerators, which can be arranged and rearranged to form messages for communication to other members of the household, or created just for fun.

Michael Albert

Question: When Bernie kisses the random reporter near the end of the movie, does anyone know if that was a scripted moment? She looks genuinely surprised.

Answer: According to this site, it was planned. They both smile - suddenly the press gets what's going on - music - noise - they all turn and flash, flash, flash photos of William. Max and Bella kiss. Bernie kisses a total stranger. Spike finally makes it - he's bright red from running.


Question: What is the name of the song playing when Will and Anna are walking through the private gardens?

Answer: It's "When you say nothing at all" by Ronan Keating.

Christoph Galuschka

Question: In one scene, Hugh Grant and his crazy roommate are talking, the roommate says something about Pandora's Box. He then goes on, "I knew a girl called Pandora, never got to see her box." I understand the no seeing box joke but what is 'Pandora's Box'? I've heard it mentioned before.

Answer: It's a tale from mythology. Details can be found here -'s_box.


Question: What is the name of the first song in the end credits? It sounds a lot like it's by Shania Twain.

Answer: It is, it's called "You've got a Way".


Notting Hill mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When William takes Anna back to his flat, after the orange juice incident. His shirt is stained, she comes into the flat and changes. Then she leaves. When she returns to get her books, his shirt is still stained but after she kisses him the stain is gone. An impressive kiss... (00:16:45)

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Anna Scott: I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

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Trivia: Throughout the whole film, Anna never refers to William by his actual name, either in conversation or when addressing him directly.

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