Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Question: When Umbridge has Harry, his friends and the Slytherin students in her office, she asks Harry if he was going to warn Dumbledore. When he says he wasn't, she responds by slapping him in the face. In the background, Draco has a look of shock on his face. Considering the fact that he hates Harry, why would he react this way?

Answer: Draco is shocked because a teacher is never allowed to hit a student, not for any reason. He never expected Umbridge to behave in such a manner.


Answer: It was probably a mistake. Tom Felton may have flinched by accident.

Question: Can someone please explain the prophecy?

Answer: Sure. The whole prophecy, taken from the books, reads as follows: "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...". Thus stating that the person who will be able to defeat Voldemort will be born at the end of July, to parents who have escaped Voldemort on three occasions - this applies to Harry, born on July 31st, and also to Neville Longbottom, born the previous day. It states that Voldemort will mark his enemy, which occurs when Harry was a year old, when Voldemort failed to kill him, leaving him with his scar - the deciding event that determined that Harry was the subject of the prophecy. The power "that the Dark Lord has not" is believed to refer to Harry's capacity for love, which Voldemort lacks entirely. Finally, the "neither can live while the other survives" section is fairly straight-forward; only one of the pair will live, the other must die - the interpretation being that one must kill the other.


Question: I don't understand why Voldemort needed the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. Doesn't he already know that Harry can possibly kill him, since Harry conquered him on the night of James and Lily's murders?

Answer: When Voldemort originally attacked Harry, he was acting on information provided to him by Snape. But Snape's information was not complete, ergo why Voldemort lost his powers. He wants the prophecy in order to hear it in its entirety, because he believes it will give him the information he needs to kill Harry.

Cubs Fan

Question: When and how does Voldemort become aware of the prophecy and how does he know it is about Harry? Does he know that he caused it to become true by giving Harry is scar?


Chosen answer: Spoiler Alert! Voldemort learned about the prophecy from Severus Snape when he was still a Death Eater. Dumbledore reveals to Harry that shortly before Harry's birth, he interviewed Sybill Trelawney for the Divination teaching position at an inn in Hogsmeade village. Dumbledore felt that Trelawney lacked significant talent and had decided not to offer her the position when she suddenly fell into a trance and related the prophecy to him, although she had no memory of it. Snape was spying on them and overheard the prophecy's first half, although he was discovered and thrown out before hearing its entirety. According to Dumbledore, Voldemort deduced that Harry was "the chosen one" based on clues in the prophecy. It could also have been Neville Longbottom who fit the prophecy, but Harry being a half-blood like himself is probably why Voldemort chose to kill him, thus marking Harry (both literally and figuratively) as his equal when his killing curse failed. Dumbledore believed the prophecy was ultimately unimportant, but because Voldemort thought it was, he determined his and Harry's fate the night he murdered the Potters and gave Harry his scar.


Question: When Professor Snape first talks to Harry about Occlumency, what is he doing with the leather belt thing on the table? He only points his wand at Harry when he casts a spell; it's unclear why anything in the belt was necessary.

Answer: These were instruments Snape probably intended to use at some point in teaching Harry Occlumency. Their contentious relationship had quickly ended their lessons before Harry learned this skill.


Question: I saw the deleted scene that has Professor Trelawney eating during the start-of-term feast. What is the significance of her eating? Why make a scene about it?

Answer: It's to show her odd character traits and how she's rather out-of-sync with everyone else. She begins eating, almost completely unaware of what is going on around her when everyone else knows they should be paying attention to the proceedings. She basically lives in her own world and doesn't function well when she's around others.


Question: Why wasn't Harry punished for using the Cruciatus curse on Bellatrix? The ministry obviously keeps tabs on underage wizardry. Wouldn't there be serious repercussions for using an unforgivable curse?

Answer: The Ministry can keep track of magic being cast, but appear unable to determine who actually cast it - for example, when Dobby uses magic at the Dursley's house during the events of the Chamber of Secrets, Harry is blamed for it, as he's the only known magic-user at that location. At the Ministry, there are something like a dozen adult wizards involved in the fight, including a considerable number of Deatheaters. The Ministry know that a Cruciatus curse was cast, but would have no way to know who actually cast it, letting Harry off the hook.


Question: Since Harry told Cho that Cedric knew "this stuff", and Cedric was a sixth or seventh year student when he died, I guess older students are taught the Patronus Charm in school. Why, then, does the Ministry of Magic bother using Dementors when so many magical people have learned how to escape them?

Answer: As mentioned in Prisoner of Azkaban, it is a very difficult charm to cast. Even Hermione has a great deal of trouble with it. It requires concentration on a very happy memory. JK Rowling has stated that it is near impossible for dark wizards to cast it (Snape was the only Death Eater who could). Add in that it requires a wand, and they are excellent guardians of wandless prisoners of Azkaban.

Greg Dwyer

Question: If only Harry and Luna can see the thestral creatures, then how do all the others fly them when they go to the ministry without falling off, due to not seeing where they can hold on?

Answer: They have to feel the Thestrals with their hands to know where and how to climb up, and then simply grab hold of whatever they can and hang on for dear life. It is said to be a very confusing and scary way to travel!


Question: Why did the Dementors attack Dudley?

Answer: Dementors are blind and can only sense a human by feeling their emotions. They were sent to attack Harry but couldn't tell the difference between him and Dudley so both were attacked. They don't care about collateral damage and are all too eager to suck up someone's emotions or soul.


Question: I believe the network is called FreeFH on Cox network? But anyway, why is it that when they have a marathon From Philosopher's Stone to Deathly Hollow's part II, they always skip this film? Instead they go from Goblet of Fire and go straight to Half-Blood Prince.

Answer: I've noticed that too. Because the entire Harry Potter series takes up so much TV air time, the scheduling would be a factor so that the entire marathon can end at a reasonable hour. It may be that "Order of the Phoenix" receives the lowest viewing ratings, and therefore is skipped over in the interest of time.


Question: Is it ever stated in the movie what happened to the dementors after they attacked Harry and Dudley?


Chosen answer: No. Harry fought them off using the Patronus charm and they retreated. Where they went after that is unrevealed.


Question: I heard that only one of all the prophecies is the correct one am I right? How is it they find it so fast?


Chosen answer: Yes, only one is the correct one, but they're all organized and marked (by subject, I believe) so it was relatively simple to track the proper one down.


Answer: Also remember that Neville saw the globe and it had Harry's name on it. They also knew what section it was in because of Harry's dreams. These are how they were found correctly.


Question: After Kingsley gives Harry the Daily Prophet, is it Sirius or Arthur who says Fudge is attacking Dumbledore as well?


Chosen answer: Its Sirius. You can see Lupin nodding at Sirius as he says it.


Question: Why does Harry simply drop his wand when Voldemort casts a disarming spell? When Professor Snape used it on Gilderoy Lockhart in the second movie, Lockhart rose into the air and fell. This also happened to Snape when Harry used the spell on him in the third movie.

Answer: A wizard can control how much force they use in a spell-anything from mild to extreme. Voldemort simply wanted to relieve Harry of his wand, not harm him. At this point, Harry is more valuable to him alive.


Question: The prophecy says that Voldemort and Harry can't both survive, so why have they both been alive since the last movie and Voldemort doesn't die for another two movies?

Answer: The prophecy means that they are destined to confront one another at some point in time, and both will die (by killing each other). It does not mean they cannot be alive on the earth at the same time. Also, the prophecy was made before Lily Potter sacrificed herself to save baby Harry. Her death created a spell that gave Harry added protection.


Question: I just read the third book, and in it, Lupin said that the Dementors take a wizard's powers away while he/she is in Azkaban. Did Bellatrix and her fellow escapees have them restored by Voldemort or something?

Answer: It's more that being around them is a power drain. Once they leave the vicinity of the dementors, their powers begin coming back.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why was Voldemort at a train station in one of Harry's visions? I am wondering why he would let himself be seen by several people. The news that he has returned would get around to Cornelius Fudge.

Answer: Voldemort wasn't actually at the train station. Harry is just having a mental vision of him. This only happened in the movie, and it was to show the growing mental connection Harry shares with Voldemort.


Question: Why does this movie have so many differences than the book? Why don't they want to follow the actual story line according to the book?


Chosen answer: Any book-to-film adaptation will require changes, because what works on the page will not always work cinematically, for any number of reasons. Given the length of some books (the Order of the Phoenix clocks in at well over 700 pages), there's no realistic way that everything could possibly be fitted into the length of a movie, and thus it regularly becomes necessary to eject certain subplots entirely, condense certain events, combine characters or whatever else might be necessary to tell the basic story successfully within a two hour timeframe. As a result, many cinematic adaptations can contain significant deviations from the original book, but ultimately tell what amounts to the same core story. This happens with most of the Potter films, particularly those based on the longer books, but ultimately the main storyline remains intact, even if they take a slightly different route along the way.


Question: Harry sees a dream of attacking Mr. Weasley as a snake, this was real. Harry sees a dream about Voldemort hurting Sirius, this is not real. Can anyone explain this to me?


Chosen answer: Harry was able to tap into Voldemort's mind and see what he was seeing. When Voldemort learns that Harry can do this, he plants a false vision in Harry's mind that Sirius is being tortured so that Harry will be lured into a trap at the Ministry.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At 12 Grimmauld Place, when Harry and Sirius are in the room with the Black family tree, as Sirius says, "My parents with their pure-blood mania," the area of the wall with both Sirius's and Andromeda's names and burned off pictures is quite visible (as in other shots as well). Bellatrix's name is beside Andromeda's (her sister), but there is no picture over Bellatrix's name banner in this shot (only branches and leaves), nor in any other shot, except in the previous close-up, as Sirius says, "My deranged cousin," where there is a picture of Bellatrix over her name. (01:13:25)

Super Grover

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More quotes from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Trivia: The director and other persons of importance had cut Kreacher out of the film. JKR told them that she couldn't tell them what to do, but the final film wouldn't make sense if they didn't introduce Kreacher in this one. Five minutes later, Kreacher was back in.

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