Toy Story
Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sid tapes Buzz to the rocket, when the thunder and lightning occur there's a shot of the window in front of Sid, and the window pane molding with the two handles at the bottom of the lower window is missing. When Sid walks over to that window it's back.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start, when Andy uses the remote control to slam RC (and Woody) into the "bank" box it's pushed under the crib with all of its flaps open, but when Andy takes Molly and leaves the room all of the "bank" box flaps are closed up.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Woody tosses the string lights to Andy's toys at the window Mr. Potato Head hangs onto the end of it, but in the shot from behind Andy's toys when Woody's shaking Buzz's arm and imitating his voice, we see the outside of Sid's window and the string lights have vanished, then they reappear.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Other mistake: It's been mentioned that Sid sets his clock for 8:25 and it goes off at 7:00. Here's some more errors for Sid's crazy clock physics. When Woody is saying "Psst" to Buzz from inside the blue plastic basket, the clock on the wall says 6:25, yet the alarm clock next to Buzz says 6:55. It goes off 5 minutes later and after Sid takes Buzz out of the room, the clock on the wall has changed to 3:10. When Woody is talking to Sid's toys a minute later, the clock now reads 10:00. The maximum amount of time that passed between the already wrong 3:10 and the 10:00 is 5 minutes. You can tell because Sid wanted to launch Buzz strapped to the rocket ASAP and Woody wanted to rescue Buzz from his current strapped-to-a-rocket state very fast. (00:56:45)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Andy's falling asleep, when Potato Head and Rex pop out of the Eggman Mover's box it has "Andy's toys" written on one side and the adjacent side is solid - no openings, but when Woody opens this box in the moving truck, there are now open handle cutouts on the two adjacent sides to where "Andy's toys" is written.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy's mom suggests to Andy they go out to eat at Pizza Planet and that Andy can only bring one toy, Woody picks up the magic 8 ball which was next to him and asks if Andy will pick him. If you see in the earlier shots the ball wasn't there. (00:25:50)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Woody and Buzz are at the gas station and the big truck pulls in, Woody falls limp to the ground. The truck pulls over him, and stops with its tires an inch from his head. In fact, the brim of Woody's hat sticks up into the space between the two tires. In the next shot when Woody scrambles out from beneath the tires, his head is directly under the tire to our right. (00:31:40)

Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: There are many books behind Woody when he is giving his speech and some of them are Pixar short films such as Red's Dream, Knick Knack, and Tin Toy. The Tin Toy book even has director John Lasseter's last name on it. (00:06:00)


Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy goes to his room to get Molly, he lowers the side of her crib in order to get her out, picks her up, and walks out of the room. In the next shot of his room, the crib side is back up. (00:03:13)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The blue blanket in Molly's crib repeatedly vanishes and reappears within the same scenes, such as when the batteries are put back into the baby monitor Woody shouts for everyone to return to their positions, in the overhead shot of the room the blanket's gone, but is soon back in its place.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Other mistake: During the scenes in Andy's room, when characters are standing near the window beside Andy's bed, and also on both the interior and exterior sides of the window behind the desk, we can see the same markings/scratches/chipped paint on their white lower sash rails, though the marks on the exterior side of the window behind the desk, are actually opposite from the other marks.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy has Woody slide down the banister there's a green/white striped rug directly in front of the door, but when the area of the floor in front of the door can be seen from the living room such as when Andy shouts, "Score," the rug is gone, then it reappears when Andy rushes back upstairs to get Molly. (00:02:40)

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the earlier scenes in Andy's room Molly's bottle is beside the lamp on the small wicker dresser near the crib, and it disappears and reappears, such as when Buzz wants to prove he can fly he stands on the bed's footboard and the bottle is gone, but it reappears when he lands on the race track. (00:19:00)

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Factual error: In the scene when Buzz and Woody are at the gas station, Buzz looks up at the moon and talks about Zurg. The reflection of the moon on his helmet looks the same as the moon in the sky, rather than its mirror image.

Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: Originally, Toy Story was going to be about a bear in a toy store. However, the animators decided it would be hard at the time to animate fur for a bear, so they eventually changed the story to what it is now. They kept the bear design, you can see him on the shelf when Woody has his staff meeting. That same bear went through some design changes, and became Lotso from Toy Story 3. (00:06:55)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At 09:21 on BluRay disc, is the scene where Woody is instructing the army man to go downstairs. You can see in his left hand there is a set of binoculars and in his right hand is a pistol. In the very next shot (at 09:26) you can see the binoculars in his left hand, but the pistol has disappeared from his right hand, enabling him to salute Woody. A few shots later (09:33) we get a good look at the army man. The pistol is still missing. We also get a look at the holster, which is empty. There was no time for the army man to put the pistol in the holster between shots, and it would technically be moulded to his hand anyway. (00:09:20)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Buzz wants to prove that he can fly, he jumps off Andy's bed and ends up on the loop car track, and the three stacked wood blocks (letters A, C, E) suddenly appear in front of the wicker hamper between shots.

Super Grover

Toy Story mistake picture

Other mistake: When Andy's friends show up all of the Caucasian boys have Andy's face and hair. Most surely due to the limited technology available then, but weird nevertheless.


Toy Story mistake picture

Other mistake: When Rex shakes the table causing the baby monitor to fall, the batteries fall out and we see the open battery compartment with markings for positive (+) and negative (-), and space for two AA batteries. Woody jumps off the bed and places the two batteries inside the compartment, but before he closes the compartment note the position of the battery closest to the top of the monitor. The positive side is actually where the negative side should be so the monitor should not work, but the monitor turns on just in time to hear the soldier's warning. (00:13:15)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Toy Story

Mr. Potato Head: Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.
Rex: And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel, I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased by Mattel in a leveraged buyout.

More quotes from Toy Story
Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: The number A113 has appeared in every full length Pixar film. In Toy Story, as well as its sequel, it is the license plate number on Andy's mom's mini-van.


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Question: When Woody and Buzz are at Sid's house, at one point the baby with the spider legs taps something in Morse code to Sid's other toys. Is he really tapping something in Morse code or is it just a random jumble of dots and dashes?

Answer: Baby face taps RR TOYS COME OUT. Telling the other toys to come out from hiding. Pixar stated this in their Toy Story character overview.

But why "RR"?

"RR" is shorthand for "Message Received." Babyface is telling Woody that he understands Woody's problem and then taps out to the other toys to come out.

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