Best comedy movie mistake pictures of 2004

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Continuity mistake: In the courtroom scene with King Neptune, Mindy's gold band keeps disappearing and reappearing. (00:13:20 - 00:14:55)


More The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When they are looking at prospective husbands, Princess Mia and Lilly are eating popcorn and Lilly asks if it tastes like pears. Princess Mia answers its a "Genovian specialty," and the popcorn disappears immediately afterwards. (00:25:45)

Sheri Hartman

More The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Regina becomes angry, and writes the horrible message in the burn book about herself to frame Cady and the others, the handwriting changes between shots. Look at "DO NOT TRUST HER" and "She is a fugly slut." - The handwriting changes noticeably, and "fugly slut" changes a lot - she writes it so the "g" and "y" have curled ends, yet it cuts to her sticking her photo in, and the ends to the tails on the "g" and "y" are straight. The line under "fugly slut," and the exclamation mark both change too. (01:00:15 - 01:00:45)


More Mean Girls mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Martha Johnstone falls on Justin during the cheerleading tryouts, her skirt falls up and is laying on her back; they show this in a front view; but when they switch to a side view, her skirt is back down covering her bottom. (00:06:35)

More Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Fred rushes in to fight the Black Knight Ghost in Mr. Wickles' castle, he is hit in the face several times with the back of his shield. As he falls, you can see the pad on the back of the shield to protect his face. (It is not noticeable when he first runs in.) (00:23:20)

More Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Odie comes out on the porch to keep Garfield company, his collar and tags are visible; even more so when he attempts to get back in. But when the shot pulls away to show Odie alone on the steps (before running off after the scooter), his collar is gone. Part of the plot hinges on Jon trying to find Odie, who wasn't wearing his tags.

More Garfield: The Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the girls are knocking on the "Wilson sisters' (the Copeland brothers in disguise) hotel door for the slumber party, Karen is holding a stack of magazines, and "Cosmopolitan" is on top. When one of the "sisters" opens the door, the magazine on top is now "Self." (00:48:40)

Jane Doe

More White Chicks mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the Jaguar, after Ed explains that he already adjusted the seat and Shaun shouts, "Careful!," when Ed pulls out of the driveway a seated crewmember is reflected on the side of the car. This does not refer to the zombie extras. (00:45:15)

Super Grover

More Shaun of the Dead mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ben Stiller appears at the fight scene, there are six people behind him on the staircase. When the shot shifts to Ben Stiller and his crew joining the circle, only five people are behind him. (00:59:20)

More Anchorman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Napoleon throws the fruit on Uncle Rico's van, it hits the windshield and leaves only splatters of juice on the windshield, but when Rico stops the van, the windshield has several chunks of the fruit on it.

More Napoleon Dynamite mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Puss in Boots plants his sword in the ground then jumps out of his boots, his sword, boots and hat are nowhere near any trees or grass. Yet after attacking Shrek, Puss in Boots lands in his boots, and his boots, sword and hat have moved to being right beside a tree. (00:32:30)


More Shrek 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Count Olaf starts walking from the balcony to the stairs, you can see his right hand when he is saying "lovely home" with no writing. Later when he looks at his hand to remember Violet's name, his hand has writing on it. (00:09:20)

More Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Starsky and Hutch are both called in to the boss' office after robbing a bookie and destroying a Cadillac's roof. When Hutch walks into the office, the top drawer on the right side on the boss is closed. But when the shot changes to the boss when he starts talking to Hutch, the drawer is open. (00:05:20)

More Starsky & Hutch mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Washburn and the other undercover cop are attempting to buy calling cards from the Cubans, Washburn asks for the guy hiding in the other room to come out. The guy does come out, and he leaves the door open to the room he was just in. The next few shots go back and forth between Washburn and the head Cuban guy facing the two other Cubans. Each time they show these two guys, the door behind them is open. After they all stop laughing, they show the guys again, and the door is closed. In the next shot, the head Cuban guy yells that Washburn is a cop, and runs through the now open again door.

Rochelle McCarty

More Taxi mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the two sets of parents meet for the first time on the island, Bernie hugs Greg leaving his sweat mark on Greg's shirt which also looks wrinkled. This changes to there being no wetness at all, some wetness and then very wet again in between shots of him. When he enters the house, his t-shirt is totally smooth and dry. (00:21:25 - 00:23:20)

More Meet the Fockers mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: While in the pot field, just as the growers are about to shoot them with the laser sights, you can see a crewmember crawling by in the background. (00:44:50)

More Without a Paddle mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Austin is running away from the black dog, he jumps over a fence. In one shot, his left leg flies over the fence first. In the next, his right leg goes over first.


More Catch That Kid mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jenna first walks around after turning 30, the camera pans around the apartment and we get a good view of the small glass table in the lounge, and there is a remote control next to a magazine. When Jenna goes and sits on the yellow chair though, the remote is now on the magazine. Later when Jenna is throwing her letters, the remote has moved to its original place. (00:13:30 - 00:14:45)


More 13 Going On 30 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Marni writes "BETTER" on the whiteboard, the handwriting changes between shots.

More Bring It On Again mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Scotty and Cooper leave for London, the airplane taking off has an engine on its tail. The very next shot is of a different airplane that has no engine on its tail. (00:19:10)

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