Best movie mistake pictures of 1987

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Continuity mistake: When DeVries' Ferrari crashes into the fence, the license plate is lying crooked, touching the bumper. When the cops blow it up, it's not touching the bumper. Also notice that the petrol tank and exhausts have been removed, revealing that the car blows up by explosives rather than police gunfire. (00:07:40)


More The Hidden mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When we see Dark Helmets' hoverjeep in the desert, watch the front end: you can clearly make out the edge of the mirrored box they used for the "hover" effect.

More Spaceballs mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the statue of Liberty is about to crash on the street, a close shot is seen of jammed cars and hysterical people. When the shot changes to Superman flying to the rescue, the jam, the cops and the people have disappeared, and all is nice and quiet in Metropolis.


More Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake pictures
More The Princess Bride mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene were Johnny is fighting Robbie, his belt breaks, and is hanging down. Next shot it is fastened again. And then it is hanging down again. (01:11:45)

More Dirty Dancing mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the trio are driving to the City Deposit/Federal Reserve Bank, in the shot just before hitting the white/red booth, the extended crane arm with the second camera and seated cameraman are visible behind the booth (for filming from opposite angle). (01:03:25)

Super Grover

More Beverly Hills Cop II mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Robocop is completed and they are going over his gear, they show a tracker that shows his location at all times. The tracking unit is obviously fake; the street layout is a decal and the "blip" that is Robocop is in a fixed position. (00:30:20)

More Robocop mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Owen arrives at the hotel to meet Neal and Del to drive them to the train station, Owen is wearing gloves on both hands. As he introduces himself and shakes their hands, Owen's right hand is now bare even though there wasn't enough time to remove the glove. (00:33:55)

More Planes, Trains & Automobiles mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the tanks are moving into the city with the Marines i.e. after meeting Private Cowboy, Animal Mother and the rest, they run into a firefight. When they stop shooting and are reloading watch the leader's ammo clip. It's missing in one shot of him, in the next he's ejecting the magazine and putting in a fresh one before shooting the two Vietnamese with it.

More Full Metal Jacket mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Derek pulls the large knife out of the alien's foot and gets blood on his face he stands up and almost falls of the cliff. To the left in this shot you can plainly see a crewmember in a dark blue shirt, probably there to jump in if an accident should happen. (00:15:20)

More Bad Taste mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After trying to entice the primitive tribe with flashy clothes and a boom box, Alvin and Simon get tied to a hut. The four ropes around their wrists are initially tied together in one knot right above their heads. But once they notice that Theodore is being pampered like a god, Alvin and Simon's wrist ropes are suddenly knotted separately instead. (00:51:05)


More The Chipmunk Adventure mistake pictures
More Creepshow 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Jack is hanging out of the truck you can see him standing on the hood of the car which Lydia is driving. At some points we get camera view from the back seat of the car. In some angles the mirror inside the car disappear. This is to prevent us from seeing the camera. (01:04:15)


More Innerspace mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie when Tackleberry glides down the balloon you can see that the color/shape of the balloon changes between the closeup and far off shots.

More Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Riggs handcuffs himself to the depressed businessman. They jump off the building but they're not handcuffed to each other anymore. They used plastic cuffs which could separate during the stunt in case anything went wrong. They break just as they jump, so they grab each other's hands to stay in contact. After they land the cuffs are attached again. (00:31:00)

More Lethal Weapon mistake pictures

Other mistake: When He-Man is fighting against the centurions on the floating disks, he tells the others to get inside a building. As he opens the door to the building, not only does it fall right off the hinges, but his sword also falls right off his back, pulling his cape off with it just as the scene ends. (01:09:20)


More Masters of the Universe mistake pictures

Factual error: When they are driving back home from the holiday cottage you can clearly see an M25 sign in the background. The M25 didn't exist in the 60s.

More Withnail & I mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the beginning of the movie where the flying vampires are chasing the security guard across the boardwalk parking lot, the positions of his arms as he is running changes back and forth between shots. In the close-ups of the guard's face, his hands are up, holding his hat down on his head. In the wide shots, his arms are down at his side. (00:02:45)

More The Lost Boys mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bond has his final confrontation with Whitaker, he empties his PPK at him in an attempt to take him down. In the process, he hits the gunshield on Whitaker's weapon five times and it remains clean. But when Whitaker rounds the corner a few seconds later, the impacts from the PPK bullets are suddenly visible on the shield's surface.


More The Living Daylights mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Loretta calls for Ronny at the bakery, and when he picks up the phone then promptly hangs up on her, the dark protruding outline of the microphone wire is visible at his right side. It happens again when Loretta visits the bakery and Ronny tells her Johnny took his life from him. Additionally, later when Ronny and Loretta spot each other at the fountain in the Lincoln Center Plaza, there appears to be an actor's mark at Ronny's feet. (00:25:00 - 00:27:05)

Super Grover

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