Best thriller movie mistake pictures of 2008

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Visible crew/equipment: When Bella pulls up in her truck for her first day at Forks High, as the camera pans from her truck as she parks it into shot, you can see the camera and boom reflected in the triangular window. (00:05:35)


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Continuity mistake: After Stark is paralysed and slightly recovers, he goes to get his energy. Right then the blood around his left ear has vanished. Being seconds away from dying, the last thing he would think of is taking a shower.


More Iron Man mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When M meets Bond near the beginning of the film, as she walks down the stairs she is wearing flat shoes, but as she gets to the bottom she is wearing high heels. (00:16:45)

More Quantum of Solace mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Landers is presenting his machine, he puts an hourglass on the computer. In the next shot, it's gone.


More Superhero Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Helen and Jacob walk out from under the bridge, at the very end of the movie, we see footsteps being made in the metal "sand". When the camera pans to a shot from behind, the footsteps made in the sand are gone.

More The Day the Earth Stood Still mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bryan chases the spotter, all of the cars that had to stop are all positioned at different angles. After the spotter dies and Bryan walks back along the bridge, one of the shots shows all of the cars now parked in a perfectly straight line.


More Taken mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Trevor gets home from work and sits down in his lounge, between shots the sheets hanging over the chair he is sitting on change and items (such as a stack of books, newspaper, etc) suddenly appear on the radiator behind him. (00:03:15)


More Journey to the Center of the Earth mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When SFC William James goes through the plastic sheeting to see a dead body on the table, you can see an ungloved, crew member's hand open the entrance for him. (01:20:40)


More The Hurt Locker mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: On the morning of July 20, Stauffenberg cuts himself while shaving, leaving a noticeable mark on his neck. After he arms the bomb at the Wolf's Lair, the cut disappears. (01:02:40 - 01:06:15)

Cubs Fan

More Valkyrie mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning of the movie, Lucy and Susan run across the street and go into the subway. As they're crossing the street you can see the camera boom's reflection on the back of the black car. (00:09:25)

More The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian mistake pictures
More Hancock mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Max meets a man in a car who invites him to jump in, they go to the place where Natasha was killed. When the car drives in the alley and we see it from the top of the building (the camera angle), the camera filming them is visible in the reflection on the car's roof (it's mounted on a rod hanging high above the alley). (00:18:25)

More Max Payne mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the motel room, Betty gives Bruce a new heart monitor watch, still in its box. In a subsequent shot, the box has disappeared and Bruce is putting the watch on. The cut to Betty and back is too fast for him to have taken the watch out and junked the box. (01:04:10)

Cubs Fan

More The Incredible Hulk mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Evy is trying to seduce Rick, and she finds him asleep in his chair, her hands move from his neck to the back of the chair between shots. (00:17:00)

Cubs Fan

More The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: During the chase through the jungle, the hand-held camera operator and stills photographer are visible on the left side of the frame. (01:06:30)

More 24: Redemption mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Max drives the Secret Service vehicle through the golf course, the driver's side door mirror is broken off. It then changes back and forth from hanging limply by a few wires to securely fastened on the door. (01:30:20)

Cubs Fan

More Get Smart mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Amy says that she lost her earring, she's wearing shades. The shot cuts to Stacy and then back to Amy, who is now wearing spectacles without having had enough time to change her glasses off screen. (00:03:40)


More The Ruins mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Gina's father opens the door, club in his hand, and finds his family inside for the surprise party. In the reverse shot, Gina's position is also mirrored, having the right arm raised instead of her left. (00:08:15)


More The Broken mistake pictures
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